6 dead and 12 injured in Sacramento shooting of April 3, 2022 (the 612 pattern)

Federal Government Mass Shooting Police State

Scrubbed post.

Recall, Google scrubbed my post on the number 612 in mass shootings. So with the latest load of BS shooting coming right in front of California’s State Capitol, and them reporting 6-dead, 12-injured, let me attempt to recreate it.

First, in Gematria, Police = 612.

Second, from the Dunblane Massacre of March 13, 1996 to the Sandy Hook shooting of December 14, 2012, was 6120-days later.
Dunblane Massacre = 612

Third, from the Pulse Night Club shooting of June 12, 2016, to the Stoneman Douglas shooting of Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2018, was 612-days later.
Orlando Strong = 612
Valentine = 612
6/12 date…

Fourth, the Stoneman Douglas shooting was named after a woman from the (612) area code, Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, from Minneapolis, and it came days after the Eagles won the Super Bowl in the (612), and Stoneman Douglas was the Eagles, with the exact same logo. Plus, in the immediate coverage they showed how one of the survivor’s at the school had a grandfather who survived the official first mass shooting which took place in Philadelphia.

Fifth, school shootings became a big thing after Columbine.
Columbine High School = 612

Sixth, the École Polytechnique massacre of 6/12/1989. (Dec. 6)


  1. AnthonyCDavison on November 7, 2022 at 3:32 am

    “Say their names”=612 (Satanic)
    “Their names”=112


    I’m sure you’ve already clocked this, but just in case:
    Dunblane and Sandy Hoax were 201 months and 1 day apart.

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