Search results for: putin tiger
CNN reports Russia is plundering African gold to boost Putin’s war as top story, July 29, 2022, International Tiger Day, 70-days before Putin’s 70th birthday
This news comes on July 29, 2022, International Tiger Day, in the Year of the Tiger, and as we’ve been covering, they’ve been doing rituals in the news with Vladimir Putin and Tigers, a man who got pet tigers for his 56th birthday, 13 years before the Russia-Ukraine military conflict. Read about Vladimir Putin and…
Read MoreDid Vladimir Putin’s tiger named Jupiter die in a Columbus, Ohio zoo on Sunday, June 26, 2022?
A Tiger named Jupiter, is dead in the Year of the Tiger? Once again, Jupiter is the “tiger striped” planet. It was 14? *Dead = 14 Furthermore, this tiger’s life began in the Moscow Zoo, which makes me wonder if it is one of the Tigers that was given to Vladimir Putin when he was…
Read MorePutin, Minnesota Zoo’s male Amur tiger is dead, as news breaks day of NATO meeting about Vladimir Putin, March 24, 2022 (+Madeleine Albright)
This news is breaking Thursday, March 24, 2022, a day after the reported death of ‘Putin.’ Keep in mind today is the day of the NATO meeting for what to do about Putin, the man who was given a pet tiger for his 56th birthday. Of course, Thursday is named after Jupiter, the tiger striped…
Read MoreVladimir Putin was given a Tiger Cub for his 56th birthday, 13-years before his invasion of the Ukrainian capital on the 56th day of the year, in the Year of the Tiger
Vladimir Putin received a tiger cub for his 56th birthday. Now here we are 13-years-later, in the Year of the Tiger, and Russia is fighting in Ukraine’s capital on the 56th day of the year, February 25, 2022. What a joke it all is. And don’t forget the “13 team,” the LA Rams just won…
Read MoreRibbon of Saint George, in light of the contrived events in Russia and Ukraine, coming directly after Super Bowl 56, in the Year of the Tiger
In light of Ukraine’s flag being the colors of the Los Angeles Rams, it is interesting to note that a Russian military patch which is controversial in Ukraine, has the Bengals colors. That is the ‘Ribbon of Saint George.’Bengals = 24Russia = 24-Russia-24 State News Recall, the Rams and Bengals just played in Super Bowl…
Read MoreMedia connects Disney film Tiger Cruise to Russia-Ukraine conflict, February 26, 2022
Link. Notice this article about the “Tiger Cruise” actress comes up in the time of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in the Year of the Tiger. And on top of that, it is about her relationship with Wladimir Klitschko, who is the brother of the Mayor of Kyiv. Of course, Tiger Cruise involves September 11, and as…
Read MoreRafael Mariano Grossi, head of International Atomic Energy Agency, addresses nuclear disaster scare at Zaporizhzhia power plant, Saturday, August 6, 2022
Read about the August 5 shelling at Zaporizhzhia power plant here. Read more about nuclear scares and Russia-Ukraine here. The story reveals the latest 201 / 93, Rafael Mariano Grossi. Read about Antonio Guterres, the head of the United Nations and 201 here. Notice the head of the UN’s nuclear watchdog is Rafael Mariano Grossi.Rafael…
Read MoreRussia requests the release of Vadim Krasikov in swap for Brittney Griner & Paul Whelan, July 29, 2022 news
This news comes 32-weeks and 2-days after the Vadim Krasikov, December 15, 2021 news.Vadim Krasikov = 56Washington DC = 56Society of Jesus = 56 Today is International Tiger Day, and recall, Putin got hits Tigers at age 56. Some headlines are calling this the Whelan, Griner Exchange.Whelan, Griner Exchange = 201
Read MoreRussia’s Gazprom tells Europe gas halt beyond its control, July 18, 2022, 144-days after military conflict’s start (and July 28)
The 9:11 post time for Reuters is CLASSIC. Today is 9-months and 11-days after Putin’s October 7 birthday. Recall the ‘false flag’ headline in the US about Putin 119-days after his birthday. This news comes July 18, or 18/7, like 187.Society of Jesus = 187Holy Roman Empire = 187Unconquered Sun = 187Black Hand = 187…
Read MoreSoon to be President Kamala Harris said Patriot missiles installed in Poland after being shipped from U.S. bases in Germany, March 9 & 10, 2022, in tribute to World War II start So March 9, the Patriot Systems are confirmed by Kamala to be on the way from Germany to Poland? Again, World War II began in ’39, when Germany went into Poland. March 9? 3/9? ’39?History = 39Great War = 39Secrecy = 39Federal = 39Masonry = 39 Then on the 69th day of the…
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