Abbey Bugenske wins $1-million with Ohio’s first ever Vax-A-Million lottery, May 26, 2021

Coronavirus Financial Government Jesuit News Pharmaceutical Tyranny Psychological Operation

The first winner of Ohio’s vaccine lottery is Abbigail Bugenske, supposedly.

Notice the overlap with ‘Bugenske’ and ‘Vaccine’.

Jesuit = 84 *Moon = 57 *Date of Full Moon

Regarding the 132 value, the name of the lottery is Vax-A-Million.

And remember, 132 is more than a number.
-132 rooms in the White House
-United States of America = 132 (Named a span of 132 days from July 4, 1776)
-Roman Catholic = 132
-Catholic Church = 132

And for another familiar, notice that ‘Abbey Bugenske’ equates to 70, the same as ‘coronavirus’ and ‘covid vaccine’. *And yes, she is referred to as Abbey Bugenske in many articles, including the one below.

Also, don’t overlook that Abbigail equates to 56. *Coronavirus=56/70 *Covid Vaccine=56/70

Silverton? This news came on the date of the full moon and lunar eclipse, and the moon represents silver.

This ritual came on Mike DeWine’s 142nd day of his age. *Coronavirus = 142

And notice, it was his 142nd day of being 74. #Gematria.


  1. Ballygobackwards on May 27, 2021 at 11:57 am

    Joseph COSTELLO won a college scholarship. The company ABBOTTS joined up with J&J to make a vaccine, looks like the comedy duo ABBOT AND COSTELLO!

    • Ballygobackwards on May 27, 2021 at 12:02 pm

      WHO’S on first? Lol

  2. GregRamsey74 on May 27, 2021 at 5:06 pm

    “Lottery Jackpot” = 56 (Full Reduction)

    ‘Lottery Jackpot’ = ‘Society of Jesus’ in all base ciphers.

    “Jackpot” = 22 (Full Reduction)(she is ‘reportedly’ 22-years of age)

    “I still can’t believe it” = 208 (English Ordinal)
    “Vax-A-Million Jackpot” = 208 (English Ordinal)

    This news comes 63-weeks after the declaration of the Coronavirus Pandemic.

    “First” = 63 (Reverse Ordinal)
    “Lucky” = 63 (Reverse Ordinal)
    “Money” = 63 (Reverse Ordinal)

    “Coronavirus Pandemic Declaration” = 142 (Full Reduction)
    “Ohio’s first Vax-A-Million Lottery” = 142 (Full Reduction)

    “Coronavirus Pandemic Declaration” = 322 (English Ordinal)

    “Ohio’s First Vaccination Lottery Winner” = 201 (Reverse Full Reduction)

    This news comes 145-days after the beginning of the year; “Catholic” = 145 (Reverse Ordinal)
    Today leaves 219-days remaining in the year; “Roman Catholic” = 219 (Reverse Ordinal)
    This is also a span of 220-days; “Coronavirus Pandemic” = 220 (English Ordinal)

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