Actress Nichelle Nichols of ‘Star Trek,’ dead at 89, July 30, 2022 (On day of Bill Russell & Brianna Grier as top headlines)
This news breaks right after the death of Bill Russell, at age 88.
His death had A LOT to do with 59.
William Russell = 59
-Slave = 59
-Negro = 59
-Blues = 59
-Rasta = 59
-*Kill = 59
In this case, the connection is through the show.
Star Trek = 59
And Nichelle Nichols died on a date with 59 numerology as well, July 30, 2022.
7/30/22 = 7+30+22 = 59
This is also headline news today, the death of Brianna Grier in police custody in Georgia and the footage released by police on International ‘Tiger’ Day, July 29, 2022.
Tiger = 59
*Rodney King = 59
Nichols’ first IMDB credit is from ’59 as well.
That means she is dead 63 years later, on July 30, or 30/7.
307, 63rd prime
Racism = 63
Bess = 63 (Porgy and Bess)
And keep in mind Nichols died on the day leaving 154-days in the year.
Ritual Sacrifice = 154
Her death at 89 fits in with ‘black,’ and the news breaks on 31/7.
317, 66th prime
66, 11th triangular number
89, 11th Fibonacci Number
Black = 11
Bill Russell won 11 championships…
Her first episode was September 8, 1966, emphasis on ’66.
Uhura = 66
Woman = 66
And as for the date of the episode…
September 8, 251st day of the year
251, 54th prime number
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54
-This news comes on Sunday, July 31 (31/7)
-This is the last day of the Jesuit Ignatian Year…
-*September 8 is Virgin Mary’s birthday
-*We are in Leo, the next sign is Virgo
The sun has an 11-year solar cycle.
Sun = 9 (9 and 11)
And here’s her first credit on Star Trek.
The episode was called ‘The Man Trap.’
She is dead on the day leaving 154-days in the year.
Read more about 154 and Saturn (the Grip Reaper) here.
-The news breaks on a Saturday (Saturn)
*211, 47th prime
-Time = 47
-Saturn, keeper of time
And ‘The Man Trap’ is quite the name isn’t it…?
Notice the three names in the story…
Lt. Nyota Uhura = 148
Nichelle Nichols = 148
Kyle Johnson = 148
*Fraternal = 148
She died on the day when counted through Dec. 31 is a total of 155-days.
*Natural Causes = 155
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