Alec Baldwin kills cast member with prop gun in Brandon Bruce Lee tribute, 201 days after his birthday, October 21, 2021

Catholic Church Celebrity Entertainment Jesuit Murder by Numbers New World Order News

This happened Thursday, October 21, 2021, 201 days after Alec Baldwin’s birthday.
The Jesuit Order = 201
Jesuit = 78
Rust = 78
Michael Groo Massee = 78 (Who killed Brandon Lee)

You got to love that he is from Amityville.

Think of Bruce Lee’s last film, Game of Death, where he is shot and killed as part of the plot, similar to what happened to his son on the set of The Crowe. Of course, Bruce Lee also died while filming Game of Death, passing on July 20, 1973, the 201st day of the year.

Alec Baldwin’s “accident” comes on the day leaving 71 days in the year.
Bruce Lee = 71
Catholic = 71
-Bruce Lee was Catholic
-Alec Baldwin is Catholic

The woman who died, Halyna Hutchins, has a name equating to 71.

Alec Baldwin plays the main character, Harland Rust.

The Crow released 406 days after Brandon Lee’s death
Harland Rust = 46 *Thursday = 46 *Sacrifice = 46

Bruce Lee died in ’73, and 73 is the 21st prime number. Here we are in ’21…

As for Alec Baldwin’s birthday being April 3, the 93rd day of the year, Brandon Lee died in ’93.
-Saturn = 21 / 93

Notice, Game of Death released June 8, 1979, a date with 93 numerology, and a date written 6/8.
Catholicism = 68
Mathematics = 68

6/8/79 = 6+8+79 = 93
-Brandon Lee, dead in ’93
-Alec Baldwin, born on 93rd day of the year
-Saturn = 93 (associated with death)
–Saturn, where the Grim Reaper’s scythe comes from
Michael Groo Massee = 93 (Who killed Brandon Lee)

For another, today is 93-days after Bruce Lee’s death anniversary.

Brandon Lee was buried on Alec Baldwin’s 35th birthday, on the 93rd day of ’93.
*Bruce Lee = 35

Keep in mind both Bruce and Brandon Lee are buried in the very Jesuit city of Seattle, Washington, connecting to ’68’ as well as ’94’, like ‘Alexander Baldwin’.

Wilmington North Carolina = 337 (68th prime)
-Where Brandon Lee died
-The Crow released in ’94

CNN is reporting Alec Baldwin is 68-years-old…

The victims were 42 and 48, in New Mexico? Bruce Lee died 48 years ago…

New Mexico = 666 (October = 666)
New Mexico = 132 *Roman Catholic = 132 *Catholic Church = 132

Jesuit = 42
Freemason = 42 / 48

And let us not forget that New Mexico is 47th state, or that Gates and Bezos started out there before moving to Seattle, on the 47th Parallel, where Bruce and Brandon are buried.
William Henry Gates = 201
Forbes just rated Bezos at $201 billion, as of September 3, 2021 (9/3)

Think of New Mexico and the ’47 incident with Roswell, and Seattle being the home of the “Space Needle.” In this case, ‘Joel Souza’ fits in, the writer for Rust.
Joel Souza = 47 / 34
Murder = 34
The Crow = 34
-Bruce Lee born on day leaving 34 days in year

And it happened at about 1:50 local…
Illuminati = 150 / 48
Order of Illuminati = 201 / 93

That is 13:50 military time.
Prop Firearm = 135 / 72 / 63 (What I think Baldwin’s real age is, 63)
Bavaria = 135
10/21/2021 = 10+21+20+21 = 72
Jesuit Order = 72

Set in the 1880s?
Bavarian Illuminati = 188
-Bavarian Illuminati was renamed ‘Order of Illuminati’

Of course the Illuminati likes number 13, and notice what this show ‘Rust’ is about, an accidental killing, and a 13-year-old.

And for the closer, it’s the all too familiar 67 / 86.
Alec Baldwin = 67 / 86
Blood Sacrifice = 67 / 86
Human Sacrifice = 67 / 86
Brandon Bruce Lee = 67 / 86
North Carolina = 67 (Where Brandon died)
8/6, release date of Game of Death (June 8)
-Brandon Lee was killed on 3/31 (331, 67th prime)

Also, today is one day after the death anniversary of Michael Groo Massee, who killed Brandon Lee. He passed October 20, 2016.

He played Funboy in ‘The Crow.’
Funboy = 25 / 79 / 83
Murder = 79 / 83
Game of Death Released in ’79
-Bruce Lee is shot in 25th minute of Game of Death
The Crow = 97 (25th prime)
The Crow = 34 / 38
Murder = 34 / 38
-Bruce Lee’s birthday leaves 34 days in year

5/11 release date
-Saturn = 511 / 93 / 42 / 21
-2021 ritual (& Bruce Lee in ’73, 21st prime)
-42-year-old woman killed
-Game of Death released 42-years-ago
The Crow comes out on 5/11 (like 511)

And here’s the latest from CNN.

Next up, Jon-Erik Hexum, who died in ’84, on October 18, what later in history would become the date of Event 201 (October 18, 2019). The Jesuit Order = 84 / 201

Update: Here is the latest.
We need some help = 68


  1. wrb on October 22, 2021 at 12:43 am

    Australian news…
    Millions of Victorians were freed from Thursday at 11:59pm after the state reached 70 per cent of its population double dosed with a coronavirus vaccination on Wednesday. Melbourne also became the most locked down city in the world having spent a total of 263 days under strict stay-at-home health orders.
    October 22nd …22+10+21 = 53

    • TruthUK on October 22, 2021 at 7:22 am

      •Halyna Hutchins = 163 & 64
      •163 the 38th prime
      •Murder,Death,Killing,RIP, Gematria,Lucifer = 38
      •Kill = 64
      •Thursday = 116/35/100/46
      •Catholic = 35/46
      •Sacrifice = 46
      •Ad Maoirem Dei Gloriam = 100/116

    • mjhound on October 22, 2021 at 11:38 am

      263 days the 56th prime number what a coincidence eh?

  2. wrb on October 22, 2021 at 12:43 am

    the day leaving 70 days in the year

  3. Gematriatruth on October 22, 2021 at 4:44 am

    Alec Baldwin = 211.
    21/10 headline news

  4. ceepup on October 22, 2021 at 5:51 am

    Actor Jon Erik Hexum born 11/5/2957 passed away 10/18/1984* at age 26. He supposed to have shot himself in the right temple on the set of a t.v series Cover up*. The episode called*,Golden Opportunity* playing *Russian Roulette October 12 1984. It was a 44, Magnum.He was declared brain dead at age 36,6,*days after October 18,1984.

  5. AnthonyCDavison on October 22, 2021 at 6:22 am

    Alec Baldwin “is” Donald Trump.
    This news came 4 months 7 days or 4 months and 8 days after the Chumpster’s birthday.
    The former Actor-in-Chief was in the news the day earlier for announcing the launch of his new social media platform by the numbers

  6. k1 on October 22, 2021 at 6:42 am

    Hutchins = 42
    dead at 42 years old

  7. artermix on October 22, 2021 at 10:44 am

    Alec Baldwin birth place
    Amityville, NY

    Amityville = (english ordinal) 61
    Born to Kill=61
    Jesuit Oath=61
    Vatican two=61

    Alec Baldwin = (satanic) 471 —> numerology 3
    Gun For Hire =471
    John Lennon = 471 [murdered as well]
    Tiny Trump=471 [Baldwin SNL impression]

    Eric Draven =(english ordinal) 99
    early death =99

    Alexander Rae Baldwin III = (satanic) = 970 —-> numerology 7
    The Trump organization=970
    Trum is the AntiChrist=970

    Alexander Rae Baldwin III = (english ordinal) =200
    gun shot wound=200
    career ending injury=200
    ninehundred nine nine (999) =200 —>999= saint ignatius of loyola (founder of society of jesus)

  8. Argonaut1982 on October 22, 2021 at 3:08 pm

    There was a story that came out today that said that the International Alliance of Staged and Theater Employees (IATSE) Local 44 had investigated the incident and determined that there was a live round in the gun. Kill=44. Thought that was interesting.

  9. Marios on October 22, 2021 at 5:20 pm

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  10. GregRamsey74 on October 22, 2021 at 5:20 pm

    “Live Ammunition” = 201 (Reverse Ordinal)

    ‘Live Ammunition’ = ‘The Jesuit Order’ across the board

    Halyna Hutchins was born in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

    “Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic” = 201 (Single Reduction KV)
    “Halyna Hutchins’ Death” = 201 (English Ordinal)

    Halyna Hutchins was born in ’79, the same year that “Game of Death” released.

    “Unfortunate Accident” = 79 (Full Reduction)
    “Killed by Prop Gun” = 79 (Full Reduction)
    “The U.S.S.R” = 79 (Reverse Ordinal)

    She was Ukrainian, which equates to the ‘kill’ numbers.

    “Ukrainian” = 44 (Full Reduction);”Kill” = 44 (English Ordinal)
    “Ukrainian” = 64 (Reverse Full Reduction); “Kill” = 64 (Reverse Ordinal)

    “Prop Gun” = 44 (Full Reduction)
    “Shooting” = 44 (Full Reduction)

    “Halyna Hutchins dies on set of Harland Rust movie” = 188 (Full Reduction)(41-letters)

    “Alec Baldwin” = 41 (Full Reduction)

    “Prop Gun Ritual” = 188 (English Ordinal)

    “Prop Gun Ritual” = 71 (Full Reduction)

    “Cinematographer” = 81 (Full Reduction)
    “Cinematographer” = 81 (Reverse Full Reduction)
    “Ritual” = 81 (English Ordinal)
    “Ritual” = 81 (Reverse Ordinal)

    “Prop Gun Movie Set Shooting” = 322 (English Ordinal)(throw in some Skull and Bones)

    “Accidental” = 63 (Reverse Full Reduction)(Baldwin aged 63)
    “Real Bullet” = 63 (Reverse Full Reduction)

    “Movie Prop Gun Safety” = 94 (Full Reduction)

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