Alex Jones company files for bankruptcy amid Texas trial to award damages to Sandy Hook families, July 29, 2022

Celebrity Censorship Legal Mass Shooting News Psychological Operation

This news comes 197-days before Alex Jones birthday, February 11, 2023.
Federico Andino Reynal = 197 (His lawyer)

197, 45th prime
Ritual = 45

This news comes on a date with 58 numerology, like that of the Sandy Hook shooting.
7/29/2022 = 7+29+20+22 = 58
12/14/2012 = 12+14+20+12 = 58
Bankruptcy = 58
Secret Society = 58
Freemasonry = 58

This news also comes 138-days before the anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting.

Alex Jones = 138
Donald Trump = 138
Federal = 138

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