Alphonse Williams, grandson of King Richard, dies by suicide, February 3, 2022

Celebrity Entertainment Murder by Numbers News

He died February 3, the 34th day of the year.
Suicide = 34 / 47
-2/3/2022 = 2+3+20+22 = 47
Murder = 34
*Black = 34

He died 76-days after the King Richard film came out.
Slave = 76
Negro = 76
Rasta = 76
Blues = 76
*Tiger = 76 (Year of the Tiger)
-Slave = 42 / 102
-King Richard = 102
-February = 42

From the release of the King Richard film, to February 14, 2022, the day this news broke, was 87-days later.
Number of the Beast = 87 / 66
-King Richard = 66
-Beast rule for 42-months
-Film released on the day leaving 42-days in the year
–Beast = 47
–Suicide = 47
—666, 36th tri. number
—Alphonse = 36 / 36

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