Alpo Martinez 3:30 AM murder on 147th Street (near Frederick Douglas Boulevard), on Halloween, October 31, 2021

Catholic Church Celebrity Drug War Entertainment Jesuit Murder by Numbers Police State Racism Secret Societies Shooting
Alpo = 44 *Kingpin = 44 *Kill = 44
King = 41 *Halloween = 41 *Alberto Martinez = 179 (41st prime)

Alpo Martinez was murdered on Halloween, October 31, 2021, the anniversary of the 95 These being pinned to Castle Church (Halloween = 95). That matters for a few reasons. Notice he was born June 8, or 6/8, like 68.
-Castle Church = 68
-Catholicism = 68
-Cameron Giles = 68 (The actor who plays the part of Alpo in Paid In Full)
–Cameron Giles is the rapper known as Cam’ron

Furthermore, Alpo was killed 145 days after his birthday, at age 55.
-Catholic = 145 / 71
–Alberto Martinez = 71
-Numerology = 145 / 55
–Satan = 55

He died 38-weeks and 3-days after Cam’ron’s birthday.
Death = 38
Murder = 38 / 83

Notice he is 45 at the time of this tragedy.
-Ritual = 45
-Hip-Hop = 45

Adding to the ritual, he was murdered on 147th Street, at 3:30 AM (like 33).
Police = 33 / 147

Mr. Martinez = 56 (Dead in 56th year of life)

New York = 33
Freemason = 147

Notice, they said it was near Frederick Douglas Boulevard, also equating to 147…

And finally, he was killed days after the 19 year anniversary of the release of the film Paid In Full.
King = 67 (19th prime)
-19 year cycle of the moon
-Movie released on day leaving 67 days in year, October 25…

October 25 leaves 67 days in the year, or a span of 68.

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