Amazon and Virginia Mason partner to give out coronavirus vaccines in Seattle one week after Jeff Bezos’ 57th birthday, January 19, 2021

Big Tech Catholic Church Coronavirus Freemasonry Jesuit News Pharmaceutical Tyranny

‘Two thousand’, eh? I spy another 56.

As you’ll see, this is clearly the work of the Catholic Church and the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order).

Read about Pope Francis big “56” ritual with Fratelli Tutti. Again, Francis is the first Jesuit Pope. *Pope = 56

Notice, exactly one week after Jeff Bezos turned 57 years old, on January 12, 2021, it was January 19 that Amazon set up a partnership to vaccinate…

And remember, Amazon was established in ’95, the same year Bill Gates, also of Seattle, was declared the richest man. And these days, of course, he is the face of vaccines…

And for the clincher, the partnership was made January 19, or 19/1, like 191, and the vaccines went live at the location on 24/1, like 241.

The number 241 is the 53rd prime (24/1 date…).

Read this recent article relating to Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and 191.

And of course the CHI Franciscan partnership with Virginia Masion is Catholic (The Jesuits serve the Catholic Church).

Jeff Bezos = 94
Seattle, Washington = 94
Coronavirus Pandemic = 94
Mass Inoculation = 94
Roman Catholic Church = 94

And don’t forget Bill Gates of Seattle declared his Decade of Vaccines on his 94th day of his age, January 29, 2010, in ‘Davos Switzerland’.

Davos, Switzerland = 94


  1. Richie on January 26, 2021 at 10:04 am

    👍 now Trump has set up ” The office of the former president” just about to go check it out. Thanks for all you do bro. I’m busy in Scotland trying to get your work shared out to as many possible here.💪💪

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