American Underdog releases on Kurt Warner’s 187th day of being 50-years old in clear Jesuit ritual, December 25, 2021

American Underdog = 152
-Hot, hot number right now
-152nd College Football Season underway
-Patrick Mahomes = 152
This movie releases on Kurt Warner’s 187th day of his age.
Society of Jesus = 187
Recall, the first forward pass in football history was by the Jesuit school, St. Louis University.

Warner is 50-years old at the time of release.
Kurt Warner = 50
Jesuits = 50
*Brady = 50
Today is 50-days before Super Bowl 56.
Kurt Warner lost Super Bowl 36 to Brady, back when Brady was fresh out of Michigan.
Michigan = 152
Recall, Brady’s last college game was on the 152nd day of his age, and he beat Alabama in the Orange Bowl.
American Underdog: The Kurt Warner Story = 170 / 199 / 431 / 487
-Tampa Bay Buccaneers = 170 (Tom Brady’s current team)
-Brady, 199th pick (46th prime) *Tom Brady = 46 *Michigan = 46
-431, 83rd prime *Football = 83 *Brady born on 8/3
-487, 93rd prime *Sun 93m miles away (sun’s birthday, Dec. 25)
This movie releases 144-days after Tom Brady’s 44th birthday.
Jesuit Order = 144
Forty-Four = 144
This NFL season ends with Super Bowl 56.
Society of Jesus = 56