Amy Klobuchar drops out of VP race and says Joe Biden should endorse a black woman, June 18, 2020

Government Politics Racism

6/18/2020 = 6+18+20+20 = 64

Civil Rights = 64 (1964 Civil Rights Act)

Civil Rights = 136 (13/6, the date Wendy’s burned in Georgia)

Recall, Rayshard Brooks was shot on June 12, or 6/12, and Klobuchar represents the (612), Minneapolis, where George Floyd was killed.

Don’t forget that Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota, where George Floyd was killed, turned 60 years old, the day he reportedly died, Memorial Day, May 25, 2020.

Her remarks comes 138 days before the November 3 election.

Federal = 138; Donald Trump = 138

It is also a span of 139 days.  America = 139; Freemasonry = 139

Klobuchar = 152

Joe Biden = 152

July 9, 2020, 152 year anniversary of 14th Amendment

Perhaps on Monday, June 22, 2020, we’ll find out who the candidate is.  That date has 68 numerology, reminding of ’68, when MLK was assassinated.

6/22/2020 = 6+22+20+20 = 68

*Barack Obama = 68 (#44, MLK dead on 4/4, in 1968)

This news comes 211 days after Biden’s 77th birthday.

211, 47th prime; Biden, 47th VP; President = 47; White House = 47

This news comes on Stacey Abrams’ 193rd day of her age (44th prime).

Obama, #44, Biden, Obama’s VP; **Georgia = 44

It also comes 174 days before her upcoming 47th birthday.  *Rayshard Brooks = 174

New World Order = 174

Don’t forget the show Boondocks predicted a black female president in 2020, and that person in the cartoon was Oprah Winfrey.

This will be the 59th U.S. Presidential Selection.

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