An NRA charity planned to raffle an AR-15 on Saturday August 6, 2022 (Tisha B’Av) has lost its site in Texas due to Uvalde families

This is August 2 news (the vote was yesterday August 1). It’s been a day of 82 and 28. The vote was by the ‘Hondo City Council’, or the 82…

The event is August 6, Tisha B’Av on the Jewish Calendar, a day to remember tragedy and destruction…

It falls on the same day every 19-years, in accordance with the moon and the sun.
-19 children
-19 officers
-19, 8th prime
-This in the 8th month
August 6, 2022, is a curious date for other reasons too.
86 & 68…
Jesuits = 86
CIA = 68
That is the 218th day of the year leaving 147-days remaining.
Holy Roman Empire = 218
Conspiracy = 147
Freemason = 147
*Police = 147
This will be 74-days after the May 24 shooting, on the 144th day of the year.
Jesuit Order = 144 (Jesuits are Society of Jesus)
Jewish = 74
Jesus = 74
Masonic = 74
-Masonry = 33
-Secrecy = 33
-Order = 33
-Federal = 33
-Police = 33
-NRA = 33
-*KKK = 33
Occult = 74
Killing = 74
Cross = 74
Jesus = 74
Messiah = 74
Gospel = 74
Parables = 74
See past work on Uvalde ‘shooting’ ritual.
Uvalde, TX = 44 / 107 / 109
Shooting = 44 / 107 / 109
Notice the 4-1 vote. Don’t forget the shooting was 322-days after George W. Bush’s birthday, the son of #41, and #43 himself.
Skull and Bones = 41
Yale = 43