Andrey Botikov, creator of the first Covid-19 vaccine, dead March 2, 2023

Coronavirus Death Murder by Numbers New World Order News Pharmaceutical Tyranny Secret Societies

This news broke on March 3, or 3/3, the 62nd day of the year. Notice where ‘Sputnik V’ and ‘Andrey Botikov’ connect.

Sacrifice = 62

Adding to the ritual, he died the day prior, March 2, his 132nd day of his age.

It is a reminder the United States of America was named September 9, 1776, a span of 132 days from the establishment of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776.
United States of America = 132
England = 132
Catholic Church = 132

It goes with Botikov dying on 48 date numerology.
3/2/2023 = 3+2+20+23 = 48
Illuminati = 48

The media is reporting he is dead at age 47.
*Ukraine = 47
Government = 47
Authority = 47
News = 47
Time = 47

29 and 47. The numerology of both ages is 11.


  1. laborer2008 on March 5, 2023 at 11:11 pm

    Media headlines may contain incorrect information about his date of birthday and age. I managed to find also 9.01.1972 and 1974(48 years old).
    The latest data is more appropriate since I found also Botikov’s page in social network

    It’s said that he work for “ГУ НИИ вирусологии им. Д.И.Ивановского”

    His employer since 2014 is Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, the creator of Sputnik V. So, it’s definitely the page of Botikov we think about.

    So, His date of birth is 27.11.1974 and hi was 48 years old.

    The number 48 even more handy for the research.

  2. laborer2008 on March 5, 2023 at 11:27 pm

    He died on 96th day passed from his latest birthday

    “freemason” = 96 (Ordinal)
    “freemason” = 48 (Reverse Reduction)

  3. laborer2008 on March 6, 2023 at 12:06 am

    The cause of his death

    “asphyxiation” = 62 (Reduction)

  4. laborer2008 on March 6, 2023 at 12:11 am

    “Andrey Botikov” = 161 (Ordinal)
    “asphyxiation” = 161 (Ordinal)

  5. laborer2008 on March 6, 2023 at 12:30 am

    It’s says that his killer was a gay:
    “Gay” = 33 (Ordinal)
    “Gay” = 48 (Reverse)

  6. laborer2008 on March 6, 2023 at 12:32 am

    The place of event:

    “Moscow” = 25 (Reduction)
    “Moscow” = 29 (Reverse Reduction)

    And the month:
    “March” = 25 (Reduction)
    “March” = 29 (Reverse Reduction)

  7. laborer2008 on March 6, 2023 at 1:19 am

    From 27.11 up to 2.03 passed 3 months and 3 days

  8. laborer2008 on March 6, 2023 at 1:31 am

    The name of killer is “ALEKSEY ZMANOVSKY”

    “ALEKSEY ZMANOVSKY” = 62 (Reduction)

  9. laborer2008 on March 6, 2023 at 1:56 am

    Media says that ZMANOVSKY was kind of a gay whore in this incident:

    “gay whore” = 33 (Reverse Reduction)
    “gay whore” = 48 (Reduction)

    “prostitute” = 62 (Reverse Reduction)

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