Anne Frank’s betrayal, 60 Minutes story, Sunday, January 16, 2022
Anne Frank, discovered on August 4, or 8/4…
Anne Frank = 84
Zionism = 84
Masonry = 84
Jesuit = 84
She died in the Bergen Belsen Camp, reportedly.
Bergen Belsen Camp = 84
The Jesuit Order = 84
The Catholic Church = 84
Notice 60 Minutes broke this story on January 16, 2022, a ‘Sunday.’
Sunday = 21 / 78 / 84
Jesuit = 21 / 78 / 84
-Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 116
Read more about AnnaLIES Marie Frank here.
And keep in mind, this comes on the back of the Colleyville, Texas synagogue hostage situation news that was clearly a Jesuit Order ritual.
And FYI…
Sixty Minutes = 54 / 72
Jesuit Order = 54 / 72