Anthony Stewart, UT Martin basketball coach, drops dead on the day leaving 46 days in the year, November 15, 2020

Get that, a basketball coach from Akron, Ohio, LeBron’s hometown, drops dead, November 15, the day leaving 46 days in the year, after LeBron becomes 4-6 in the NBA Finals.
Sacrifice = 46 *Catholic = 46 *11/15/20 = 11+15+20 = 46

Notice his name sums to 59, the 17th prime, and the Lakers just won their 17th Championship, in LeBron’s 17th season.
Anthony Stewart = 59 (17th prime)
His name also sums to 175.
Anthony Stewart = 175 *Los Angeles Lakers = 175

And notice how ‘UT Martin’ fits in with ‘King James’.
*As well as ‘LeVon James’…

He died 35 days after the Lakers won the Finals, on October 11, while LeBron was 35 years old.

And for one last point, he is dead on a date with 66 numerology as well.
11/15/2020 = 11+15+20+20 = 66
*LeBron = 66 *LeBron James = 66 *Lakers = 66
Read more about LeBron and 66 here: