Artemis I’s 8:33 launch rescheduled for September 2 or 5, 2022 (and the 1968 reading of Genesis by Apollo 8)

Astrology Biblical Freemasonry Jesuit News Outer Space Secret Societies
11:44 post *Jackson = 44 (Apollo 11 in the year NASA & Michael Jackson turned 11, 1969) *Cancer = 44 (Ruled by the moon)

The Guardian doesn’t know to capitalize NASA? Are AIs writing the news?

The launch was scheduled for 8:33.

And now the Guardian tells me today I reached my maximum of 33 articles for the year.

I’ve never seen this before today.
Order = 33
Secrecy = 33
Masonry = 33
England = 33

London is divided into 33 neighborhoods.

And notice the gematria of ‘In the beginning,’ what Genesis means.
Bible = 33
Good Book = 33
Genesis = 33
Seed = 33 (Genesis means seed)
-Genesis translates to ‘In the beginning’
-In the beginning = 137 (137, 33rd prime)

Read about the 1968 reading of Genesis by Apollo 8 astronauts in space here.

Moon Mission = 56 (56 is 70 in base-8 counting)

Recall, today’s launch, Aug. 29, 2022 was scheduled for 8:33 (137, 33rd prime)
August 29, 241st day of the year
241, 53rd prime — 53 years since ’69 Moon Landing
-Moonwalker = 53 (Michael and NASA…) (Both born in ’58) (*Star = 58)

It was to land October 10, 2022, the day when counted through December 31 totals 83 days, and Michael Jackson first moon walked in ’83, in Motown, on the ’83rd Meridian West, in the ’83 city.’
Detroit, Michigan = 83
Michael Jackson = 83

They’re saying the soonest they can relaunch is Friday, September 2, 2022.
9/2/2022 = 9+2+20+22 = 53
Religion = 53

92 has also been a big number in Russia-Ukraine.

It could also be on September 5, or 9/5, or 5/9.
Motown, on the 83rd Meridian
Motown since ’59

And of course, the Jesuits and the 95 Theses.


  1. Dee on August 29, 2022 at 1:45 pm

    Jackson from Gary=24 Indiana.

  2. Joshua Krantz on August 29, 2022 at 2:15 pm

    Man On The Moon = 147, 57, 177, 51
    Andrew Geoffrey Kaufman = 219, 102, 348, 105 & 1877 the 288th Prime in Jewish Cipher
    Andy Kaufman = 111, 39, 186, 60 & 666 Sumerian
    His birthday January 17th 1949 which has date numerology of 86, 67 and his date of death March 16th 1984 which has date numerology of 122 and 103 both dates have a life lesson number of 41. Robin Williams did a skit with Kaufman at Carnegie Hall where Williams was dressed up to look like Kaufman’s grandmother…

  3. Joshua Krantz on August 29, 2022 at 6:04 pm

    Andy Kaufman born January 17th 1949 and NASA born on July 29th 1958. From his birthday to the birthday of NASA is a span of 3481 days. 3481 has a square root of 59

  4. Joshua Krantz on August 29, 2022 at 6:05 pm

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration = 666 Andy Kaufman = 666 Sumerian

  5. Joshua Krantz on August 29, 2022 at 6:06 pm

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration = 1607 which is the 253rd Prime and 253 the 22nd Triangular

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