Ashley Bryan’s February 4, 2022 death, 159-days before his birthday, in light of his work ‘Beautiful Blackbird’
Notice, Ashley Bryan died in Black History Month, on February 4, or 4/2.
February = 42
History = 42
Slavery = 42
He died 206-days after his birthday.
Sacrifice = 206
He died 5-months and 9-days before his upcoming birthday.
Slave = 59
Negro = 59
Blues = 59
*Ashley Bryan = 59
-BHM ends on Feb. 28, the 59th day of the year
Jesus Christ = 59 (Septenary)
New Testament = 42
-42 generations to Jesus
He died 159-days before his birthday as well, corresponding with his award winning book, ‘Beautiful Blackbird.’
Recall the ‘black man’ killing ritual of September 15, or 15/9, like 159.
And it all fits with the ‘New Testament’ theme.
Again, the New Testament begins with the 42 generations to Jesus.
Keep in mind Jesus was a prophet, and this man is dead at 98.
Keep in mind February 4 is the 35th day of the Catholic Gregorian Calendar year.
The book was published January 1, 2003, 172-days after his birthday.
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172
The sun, the Jesuits?
The sun, Jesus?
The pyramid, the Jesuits?
All colors come from black…
Keep in mind MLK was killed in a Jesuit ritual, and Correta Scott King was her husband. Of course, she died 87-days before her birthday at age 79.
Martin = 87
The Catholic Church = 87
-Society of Jesus = 79
-Murder = 79
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I Have A Dream = 87 also
And he died on the 206th day before MLK’s famous speech…I really think you should start using that date in black ritual decodes…it’s throwing up some interesting numbers