At least 8 dead after massive explosion at 19th century Havana, Cuba hotel, May 6, 2022

Explosion News Terrorism
Masonic = 223 (48th prime) *Freemason = 48 *Freemasons = 56 (5/6 news) *The Synagogue of Satan = 223
Notice the 4233 on the bus *Freemason = 42 *Jesuit = 42 *Masonry = 33

Notice how ‘Hotel Saratoga’ equates with ‘terrorist.’

It fits in with the date being 6/5, like 65.

Think of Oklahoma City.
Oklahoma City = 52 / 65

Think of TWA Flight 800 exactly 65-weeks later.

And think of the World Trade Centers on the 74th Meridian West.
Hotel Saratoga = 74
Havana, Cuba = 74
-Jesus = 74
-Cross = 74
-Gospel = 74
-Messiah = 74
-Parables = 74
–Society of Jesus = 56
–Date can be written 5/6 or 6/5
–11+77+175 = 263 (56th prime) *Flight son 9/11

Think of the 19-hijackers on 9/11. And notice how the first number mentioned was 19th Century.
Chaos = 19

Think of the 19 children on April 19.

In this case it is at least 8 dead.
19, 8th prime


  1. Reijimaigo on May 6, 2022 at 12:27 pm

    The hotel was built as a warehouse in 1880, that’s 142 years ago.
    Saratoga Hotel = 142

    Re-opened as a hotel in 2005, 17 years ago.
    Masonry established in the year 1717.

    Date: 5.6
    Explosion made by a “gas leak”
    Gas Leak = 56
    Society of Jesus=56

    • Reijimaigo on May 6, 2022 at 12:28 pm

      This occult societies really are almost in everywhere corner of the fucking planet, and thats fkn nuts.

  2. ieattasteewheat on May 6, 2022 at 2:36 pm

    The name of the hotel reminds me of the American Revolutionary War battle of Saratoga in 1777, which took place on “Freeman’s Farm” (56 R) and turned the tides of the war in favor of the patriots. America would not exist as a supposedly independent nation without this battle ending the way it did, which makes one wonder if this conflagration in Cuba signifies that we live in an equally pivotal time.

    1+7+7+7= 22

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