August 14 explosion in Armenia’s capital is buzzing headline the day of the Jesuit Order’s 488th birthday, August 15, 2022

Explosion Jesuit New World Order News

From Guy Fawkes and British Parliament to Beirut, August 4, 2020, the fireworks jokes never stop. Notice this headline is buzzing on August 15, 2022, the Jesuit Order’s 488th birthday.
Fireworks = 56
Society of Jesus = 56

Again, this story is buzzing on the Jesuit Order’s 488th birthday.
Armenian Market = 91 / 235
The Society of Jesus = 91 / 235

The explosion happened the day prior, August 14, 2022, a Sunday, the ‘kill’ date.
28 / 44 / 64 date numerology
Kill = 28 / 44 / 64


  1. GregRamsey74 on August 15, 2022 at 5:01 pm

    The explosion occurred 123-days after Guy Fawkes ‘presumed’ birthday.

    “Gunpowder” = 123 (English Ordinal)
    “The Gunpowder Plot” = 123 (Reverse Full Reduction EP)
    “Conspiracy” = 123 (English Ordinal)

    “Armenian” = 51 (Reverse Full Reduction)
    “Fourteenth” = 51 (Full Reduction)
    “Gunpowder” = 51 (Full Reduction)
    “Gunpowder Plot” = 51 (Septenary)
    “Conspiracy” = 51 (Full Reduction)

    “Four Hundred Eighty Eight” = 131 (Full Reduction)
    “Explosion” = 131 (ALW Kabbalah)
    -Guy Fawkes died on 1/31

    The explosion came 195-days after Guy Fawkes’ death anniversary.

    “Armenian Market” = 195 (Francis Bacon)
    “Society of Jesus” = 195 (Jewish Ordinal)

    Or a span of 196-days.

    “Jesuit Order” = 196 (Francis Bacon)
    -14 is the square root of 196
    -explosion on the 14th
    ‘Armenian Market’ is 14-letters

    The explosion came a span of 84-days from Guy Fawkes Day.

    “The Gunpowder Plot” = 84 (Full Reduction)
    “Jesuit” = 84 (English Ordinal)
    “The Jesuit Order” = 84 (Reverse Full Reduction)

    “Armenian Market” = 42 (Septenary)
    “Armenian Market” = 42 (Chaldean)
    “Jesuit” = 42 (Reverse Full Reduction)

    8/15/2022 = 8+15+2+0+2+2 = 20
    “Fawkes” = 20 (Full Reduction)

    8/15/2022 = 8+15+20+22 = 65
    “Fawkes” = 65 (English Ordinal)

    “Fireworks Explosion at Armenian Market” = 201 (Single Reduction KV)

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