Austin Cindric wins Daytona 500 on Roger Penske’s 85th birthday (in ultimate tribute to Pope Francis & Jesuit Order)

Catholic Church Jesuit Sports

Keep in mind ‘Daytona 500’ fits in with the 85 theme.

Recall, Super Bowl 56 was just won by the Rams, in their 85th season, with 85 seconds left in the game, after they gave Brady his 85th and final career loss, and not long after John Madden died at age 85, while Pope Francis is 85-years-old.
Roger Searle Penske = 85
National Football League = 85
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 85
-Roger Penske = 56
-Cindric = 56
-NASCAR = 56
-Pope = 56

And notice how the driver ties in perfectly, as well as with the date, February 20, or 2/20.

Pope Francis, 85, is the 266th Pope.
-Jesuit motto is Iesus Hominum Salvator
Pope Francis = 122

He turned 85 on December 17, 2021.

Keep in mind the race as 201 laps.

Pope Francis, the first to live in Suite 201 at the Vatican
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
-502.5 miles *Pope = 52

And his last win was in Indianapolis.
Indianapolis = 201

From his August 14 win in Indianapolis (the day before the Jesuit birthday) to this win was a span of 191-days, the 43rd prime.
Society of Jesus = 191 / 56
Jesus Christ = 43
NASCAR = 43 / 56

Cindric = 56
Roger Penske = 56

And notice how ‘Penske’ and ‘Francis’ connect (as well as Vatican).

And notice where Austin Cindric fits in with the Jesuit Order.

I.H.S. is the Jesuit motto, and Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope.

And from Cindric’s birthday to the race was his 172nd day of his age.
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172

Penske = 92 / 29 (September 2 birthday)

Keep in mind the Jesuits serve Rome and this race was on the 51st day of the year.
Rome = 18+15+13+5 = 51

#2 wins on 2/20/2022…

Here are Cindric’s career stats after the win.



  1. k1 on February 21, 2022 at 6:01 am

    the commentators all stand holding up masonic hand signs too
    and the lead commentator is Micheal Joy=47 commentator=47

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