Barack Obama’s new book, A Promised Land, releases November 17, 2020

This book has released on the 322nd day of the year, a number associated with Skull and Bones.



Obama took over for George W. Bush, who was in Skull and Bones, and had a July 6, or 7/6 birthday.

Notice that July 6 is the 187th day of the year. The Abrahamic Religions are based in the 187 chapters of the Torah.

This is why Barack Obama’s new book releases November 17, 2020, the day leaving 44 days in the year. Of course, he was #44, elected 44 years after the Civil Rights Act, and he ran on ‘HOPE’.
HOPE = 44 *African-American = 44

Furthermore, “a promised land” relates to the biblical land promised to Abraham. Not by chance, ‘Abraham’ and ‘prophet’ equate to 44.

November 17 can be expressed as 11/17, like 1117.
1117, 187th prime
11×17 = 187
Society of Jesus = 56 / 187 *Washington D.C. = 56 / 187
Obama won the 56th Presidential Election.
Also, November 17, 2020 has 68 date numerology.
11/17/2020 = 11+17+20+20 = 68 *Barack Obama = 68
Furthermore, the book releases on Obama’s 106th day of his age.

Black = 106; Black Lives Matter = 106; I can’t breathe = 106

And for one last point, notice the gematria of the title. *A Promised Land = 59 / 76

Notice how it ties in with the prophecy of Acts 7:6.

A Promised Land = 131, *131, 32nd prime *Obama = 32 *America = 32
Slave = 59 *Negro = 59 *Renegade = 59 (Obama’s secret service name)

Barack Obama = 76 *Slave = 76 *Negro = 76
Think of Acts 7:6, the 44th Book of the Bible.

And don’t overlook that this book is being released while Obama is 59 years old. Or that it is being released on the 322nd day of the year, the number of Skull and Bones, 322.