Barrett says Thomas’s laser-like-focus on history misses the point, Juneteenth, June 19, 2024
This comes on Junenteeth (connected to the freeing of the slaves).
Amy Coney Barrett is a Catholic, the Church that perpetrated the American Civil War (per Abrahamic Lincoln, not me).
And here, we have the Catholic, Amy Coney Barrett, who went to Notre Dame & who replaced the Jew, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, 187 days after her Ides of March birthday.
Laser Like Focus=87 *Ignatius of Loyola=87 *Justice=87
Sadly, we explained why Ruth would die at 87 before the obvious ritual happened.
Remember, the Jesuit suppression lasted 41 years, and the USA was formed in that time.
Today is the 144th day of Amy Coney Barrett’s age.
She went to a Catholic high school in New Orleans, where the Super Bowl is this year.
And remember, the Jesuit suppression ended 144 days after James Madison’s birthday, the sitting President of the USA at the time.
And back on the subject of Clarence Thomas and Super Bowl 59 upcoming in New Orleans…
Again, 59 is a number having a lot to do with Black History.
Again, Black History Month ends on the 59th day of the year and was recognized by the Federal Government in ’76, going with Thomas turning 76 on June 23, in four days.
Slave=59 & 76
–Renegade=59 (Obama’s Secret Service name)
-Barack Obama=76
–A Promised Land=59 & 76 (Obama’s book)
–Ephesian 6:5-9 & Acts 7:6
-Read them
-And then remember how they did OJ at 76
-And remember how the did OJ at 59
-And remember how OJ was announced dead as the Masters teed off
Today is 235 days before Super Bowl 59 in New Orleans, Barrett’s hometown.
The Society of Jesus=235
–Pope Francis=59
-He is the first Jesuit Pope
FYI, Thomas was born on what is typically the 174th day of the year, June 23.
June 23 also leaves 191 days in the year. *Society of Jesus=197 & 187
Recall, Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on Rosh Hashanah, 187 days after her Ides of March birthday.
Holy Roman Empire=187
Washington DC=187
George Washingtonn=187
Brotherhood of Dead=187 (Order 322)
Society of Jesus=187
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry=187
Today begins the 191st week since Amy Coney Barrett joined the court.
Ruth was 87, and the Pope is 87 right now. *Justice=87 *Ignatius of Loyola=87
And again, that is the headlineup top.
Notice also that Clarence Thomas went to Yale, as well as Holy Cross. In light of the Yale connection, the school turned 322 years old on October 9, 2023. Notice Amy’s 322 connection.
Notice where Skull and Bones, Order 322, fits in with Juneteenth.
Clarence Thomas was put on the Supreme Court by #41, George H.W. Bush, a Skull and Bones member.
*Today is 254 days after Yale’s birthday *Saturn, the keeper of time=254
Saturn is related to Judgement (Clarence Thomas is a Judge)
Thomas is on his last days of being 75, and he was married in ’87.
Ignatius of Loyola=75 & 87
–The S.J. is 75 right now
–The first Jesuit Pope is 87