Beijing flies record 56 warplanes toward Taiwan, October 5, 2021 news

Get that, a record 56 warplanes? Remember, the Society of Jesus is a military order that controls China, and pretty much the rest of the world.
Society of Jesus = 56
They flew out of ‘Beijing’.

Over the course of ‘three’ days.

And remember out ‘China’ fits in with ‘Catholic’.
China = 35
Catholic = 35
Holy See = 35
Jesuitism = 35
-*Eye = 35
-*All Seeing Eye = 56
-*Mind Control = 56
This happened October 5, or 10/5.
-Jesuit Adam Weishaupt founded Order of Illuminati, May 1, 1776
—Order of Illuminati = 105

Sky News
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Bryson went are you being like this….
Why. Not went. Auto correct
‘Number fifty-six’ 191, 74, 187, 79
‘Society of Jesus’ 191, 56, 187, 79
Those clever pesky devils