Biden calls Putin ‘war criminal’ on Purim, March 16, 2022, after watching Zelensky’s appeal comparing Ukraine to Pearl Harbor and 9/11

Aren’t Putin and Purim similar words?

The key words are ‘war criminal.’
War Criminal = 77

This news comes on March 16, Purim. Keep in mind a to
Purim = 77
Judaism = 77
Zionist = 77
Theater = 77
United States = 77
D.C. on 77th Meridian West

Jesuits operate in 112 countries *Balfour Declaration 11/2 (Nov. 2) *Catholicism = 112

As for Purim falling on March 16, or 16/3, like 163, the 38th prime, and D.C. being on the 38th Parallel North, keep in mind Zelensky, the Jewish actor, put out a video that says ‘This is murder’ regarding what Russia is doing in Ukraine.
Jew = 38
Kabbalah = 38
Gematria = 38
English = 38
Energy = 38
*Murder = 38

And don’t forget Zelensky compared what’s taking place in Ukraine with Pearl Harbor and 9/11… two more contrived incidents to instigate war… while invoking Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream.