Biden makes the economic case for fighting climate change, April 23, 2021, the 113th day of the year, following the ‘Green New Deal’ pattern

Climate Change / Environment Federal Government News

This news comes April 23, 2021, a Friday, and the 113th day of the year.

Remember, the election was November 3, or 11/3, like 113.

We talked about how the ‘Green New Deal’ fit in as well, along with the Democrats repeating what they did in the 2008 election with Obama and Biden.

And also in the headlines, is AOC, the face of the GND, and one born on 10/13, like 113…

Climate Corps? 1.5 million? A new type of army for a new type of war that makes bankers rich?

AOC is every banker’s kind of useful idiot.


  1. AnthonyCDavison on April 24, 2021 at 1:09 am

    Also on 23/4, the White House announced Biden would visit the UK for the G7 summit – his first foreign visit as POTUS. The announcement came on:

    -The 113th day of the year
    -The 94th day of Biden’s presidency
    -211 days from his birthday
    -Also a span of 30 weeks 2 days:

    **SPECIAL RELEATIONSHIP=211/94/302/113**

    A full house.

    It also came on St George’s Day (Patron Saint of England)

    -56 days or a span of 57 days from Boris’ 57th birthday
    -3 months 3 days after Biden took office

    I attached this tweet with a more detailed breakdown of the ritual to the one above


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