Biden’s 34-year-old LGBTQ activist, Sam Brinton, given top nuclear waste job, February 17, 2022 news, just before Ukraine nuclear crisis

Energy Federal Government Jesuit Military New World Order News

This man sang a tribute to Anthony Fauci?

Biden’s pick for top nuclear waste job to start this year was age 34.
Ukraine = 34

Again, 34 has been the number of the year.
Daddy Fauci = 42 / 78
Jesuit = 42 / 78

Sam Brinton also serves youth who are at risk due to suicide because they are part of the LGBTQ community. *Suicide = 34

Sam Brinton = 44 / 64 / 125 / 145
*Numerology = 44 / 125 / 145
-Brinton = 43 / 92
-Nuclear = 43
-Nuclear Waste = 43

-Lavender Mass = 43 / 191 (43rd prime)
Element 92, Uranium

FYI, the name Brinton means flame. Think of the term “flamer” for a homosexual. And think about the nuclear energy power plant catching on fire in Ukraine recently.

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