Biden’s 34-year-old LGBTQ activist, Sam Brinton, given top nuclear waste job, February 17, 2022 news, just before Ukraine nuclear crisis
This man sang a tribute to Anthony Fauci?
Biden’s pick for top nuclear waste job to start this year was age 34.
Ukraine = 34
Again, 34 has been the number of the year.
Daddy Fauci = 42 / 78
Jesuit = 42 / 78
Sam Brinton also serves youth who are at risk due to suicide because they are part of the LGBTQ community. *Suicide = 34
Sam Brinton = 44 / 64 / 125 / 145
*Numerology = 44 / 125 / 145
-Brinton = 43 / 92
-Nuclear = 43
-Nuclear Waste = 43
-Lavender Mass = 43 / 191 (43rd prime)
–Element 92, Uranium
FYI, the name Brinton means flame. Think of the term “flamer” for a homosexual. And think about the nuclear energy power plant catching on fire in Ukraine recently.