Bill Gates Sr., dead at 94, September 14, 2020, in very Satanic / Number of the Beast ritual (News on September 15)
Philanthropy = 54 / 72 *Jesuit Order = 54 / 72
Bill Gates Sr. is dead news has come on the 28, 44 and 64 date, which we circled many months ago, because it was also 266 days after Anthony Fauci’s birthday.
9/15/2020 = 9+15+20+20 = 64
9/15/2020 = 9+15+(2+0+2+0) = 28
9/15/20 = 9+15+20 = 44
Notice how the New York Times is keeping 44 minutes on their timer even though it has been up for a couple of hours.
His wife died in ’93, 193 days from his birthday, the 44th prime.
He died on the 258th day of the year. I wrote much about Bill Gates and 258 in my first book. Also, read what I wrote about Facebook buying land in Bellevue, Bill Gates town, September 14, 2020, the date of this death:
*Bill Gates founded Gai
Don’t forget Bill Gates established Gavi on the 258th day of his age, July 12, 1999.
And in my new book Number Games, and on this site, we have discussed Bill Gates, Bill Gate Sr. 258, and 94 extensively. Now he is dead at 94, similar to how his wife died in ’94 and his son was married January 1, 1994. It’s a number that connected the ‘coronavirus pandemic’, ‘Seattle, Washington’, and Bill Gates Decade of Vaccines.
Read more about Bill Gates and 94:
He died September 14, 2020, 322 days after Bill Gates’ 64th birthday.
Skull and Bones, 322, the Bavarian Illuminati, and the Jesuits…
*Recall the death of George H.W. Bush, at 94, on November 30, 2018, the Skull and Bones, 322, member.
149 is the 35th prime *Bill = 35
The death also came on Anthony Fauci’s 266th day of his age, or 38 weeks after his birthday, a business partner with the Gates family, and a Jesuit.
Death = 38; Murder = 38; Killing = 38; RIP = 38
Read more about 38 and death here:
The news comes September 15, 2020, 266 days after Fauci’s birthday, and 323 days after Gates’. *Lucifer = 323
Scottish Rite = 159 / 57 *Bill Gates = 57 *Vaccine = 57
Never forget Moderna on May 7.
For the short 94 list…
Remember, coronavirus was coined in ’68.
September 28 will leave 94 days left in the year, and he died 10 days before that date, and it is 10 years since Gates announced his decade of vaccines.
Also important, he has died on the anniversary of Margaret Sanger‘s birthday, the founder of Planned Parenthood.
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FROM 9/14 (Sr. Death) TO 10/28 (Gates’ birth) is 44 days and 10/28 has 64 days left in year…
44 and 64 = the word KILL
Mass holocaust is said to start on Gates’ upcoming birthday with 5g and smart meter pulsing attacks that eventually deprive oxygen and set homes on fire. Major shit is about to go down.
William H. Gates Foundation=258 129
(That’s what the earlier incarnation was called)
His beach home on Hooded Cabal…. sorry, Hood Canal! (Hood Canal = 44 RR)