Bill Lee, father of Spike Lee, dead at 94, May 24, 2023

Catholic Church Celebrity Death Entertainment Jesuit Murder by Numbers News

Spike Lee, who sits court side at the Knicks games, loses his father on the 144th day of the year, May 24, 2023…

He is dead in his 44th week of his age.
Forty-Four = 144

That is 43-weeks and 4-days.
Shelton Lee = 43
Killing = 43

RIP = 43

He is also dead 60 days before his upcoming birthday.
Spike = 60
Order = 60

He is dead 60 days before his upcoming 95th birthday *Order = 60 *Spike = 60

And in light of Spike Lee being a big NBA fan, recall the Denver Nuggets just advanced to their first NBA Finals, winning their 94th NBA Playoff game.
Denver = 94

It also goes with the news coming 193 days after the Superior General’s birthday.
Roman Catholic Church = 193 & 94
Jesuit Order = 144

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