Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day says he is renouncing American citizenship in London, June 24, 2022, on Freemasonry’s birthday, the day of Roe v. Wade being overturned

Catholic Church Entertainment Federal Freemasonry Government Jesuit Legal Mind Control Psychological Operation Secret Societies

In recent times, the Pro Choice movement has been connected to the color green, which is the color representing the heart chakra. Now the frontman for Green Day says he is ready to revoke his US citizenship over the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
Heart Chakra = 49
Green = 49
Washington = 49
-The only state with a green flag is Washington state
America = 49
-Roe died on 49th day of the year
-Roe v. Wade was overturned after 49-years and months
Heart Chakra = 94 / 49
Abortion = 94

ALSO, the film Soylent GREEN is set in 2022…

And don’t forget where the Green Converse fit in.

Notice Yellow and Blue surround Green on the Chakra chart. If you combine Yellow and Blue, you also get Green. And we’ve seen a lot of Yellow and Blue with the whole Ukraine theme.

Roe v. Wade was also in its 50th year of being decided when it was overturned, and Billie Joe Armstrong is 50-years-old.
America = 50
Washington = 50
Abortion = 50

This ritual came on modern Freemasonry birthday, June 24, 2022, established in London on June 24, 1717. And notice the ritual took place while Billie Joe Armstrong was in London Stadium, and 127-days after his birthday.
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 127
Scottish = 49

This also came on his 128th day of his age.
Chakras = 128

The name Armstrong also fits with the ritual comes in the time of Cancer, where the moon is ruled by Cancer, and the moon landing was in Cancer, and landed on by Neil Alden Armstrong.
Armstrong = 44
Cancer = 44

Cancer is a water sign, and the words “wade” and “row,” the latter like “roe,” are connected to water.

ALSO… Billie Joe Armstrong = Justice…
Billie Joe Armstrong = 87
Justice = 87

-Ginsburg dead at 87
Number of the Beast = 87 / 174
Supreme Court = 174

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