Black Hand, the Society of Jesus & the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, June 28, 1914 (which began World War I)

Catholic Church History Jesuit Murder by Numbers New World Order World War
Archduke Franz Ferdinand = 112 (Jesuits operate in 112 countries)

Archduke Fran Ferdinand was assassinated by the ‘Black Hand’, June 28, 1914, the day leaving a span of 187 days in the year. *Black Hand = 187 *Society of Jesus = 187 *Holy Roman Empire = 187

Adolf Hitler = 56 / 187
Society of Jesus = 56 / 187
Paris, France = 187 (Where Jesuits were created)
Holy Roman Empire = 187

September 6 leaves 116 days in the year
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 116

Notice that Black Hand’s motto is ‘Unification or Death’, and Franz Ferdinand died 192 days after his birthday.

December Eighteenth = 93 (During the time of Saturnalia)
Saturn = 93

You could also say he died his 193rd day of his age, the 44th prime
Kill = 44
Execution = 44
Military = 44
The Black Hand = 44

The death came 206 days after the Superior General’s birthday, December 4, 1913.
Sacrifice = 206

He would die 258 days after his birthday, August 19, 1914.
Order of Illuminati = 201 / 258
The Jesuit Order = 201

That was 22 days after World War I began, July 28, 1914.
Jesuits = 22
Society of Jesus = 79 (22nd prime)

One day after his death, the Pope would die, August 20, 1914.

That means the Superior General died on the 79th day of the Pope’s age, and the Pope died 79 days after his own birthday.
Society of Jesus = 79
Murder = 79

Notice the 2-months and 18-days as well, like ‘Holy Roman Empire’, 218.


  1. AnthonyCDavison on October 28, 2021 at 4:11 pm

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand=1597 (English Extended)
    Assassinated exactly 1597 days before the end of WWI
    1597 is the 17th Fibonacci Number

  2. metal or die on October 30, 2021 at 9:15 am

    You must be aware of he plate of the car being AIII 118, which not only reads as Armistice 11 November ‘18, the day the war ended, but it equals 38/38/90/45 in the base ciphers. Armistice also has interesting numbers

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