Blizzard warnings issued in Los Angeles, February 24, 2023

This storm begins on the 55th day of the year. Military = 55
It is expected to go through the 56th day of the year. Climate Change = 56 *Natural Disaster = 56
No doubt this is weather warfare, to cement the idea in the minds of the masses that Agenda 2030 is necessary.
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News of this “L.A. blizzard” comes 4-weeks and 1 day after the three year anniversary of Kobe Bryant’s death at age 41, 41-minutes after his “helicopter” took off.
“Three” = 56
“Warning” = 41
“Climate” = 126
-Kobe dead on 1/26
“Climate Change” = 101, the 26th prime
“God” = 26
“L.A. Blizzard” = 666
“Helicopter” = 666
“L.A. Blizzard” = 24(Septenary)
“Natural” = 24
-News on the 24th, like Kobe’s #24.
This comes 185-days after Kobe’s birthday.
“Catholicism” = 185
“Mathematics” = 185
This comes a span of 193-days from L.A.’s upcoming birthday.
-193, the 44th prime
“Blizzard” = 44
“Military” = 44
“Blizzard of Oz” = 56
-This comes 22-weeks and 3-days after the anniversary of the release of “Blizzard of Oz”
“Winter Blizzard in L.A.” = 263(56th prime)
“Winter Blizzard in L.A.” = 223
This comes on the 174th day of L.A.’s 242nd birthday.
“New World Order” = 174
“Number of the Beast” = 174
2/24/2023 = 2+24+20+23 = 69
“Weather Control” = 69
“The Jesuit Order” = 69
This comes 80-days after the anniversary of the release of the cartoon, “Frosty the Snowman.”
“Frosty the Snowman” = 80
“Weather” = 80
“Satan” = 80
7 and 8 feet? *Jesuit = 78