Bob Barker of ‘The Price Is Right,’ dead at 99, August 26, 2023

Celebrity Death Secret Societies

Bob Bark is dead at 99, 9 days before the September 4 anniversary of the show launching in 1972. Of course, it launched in the 9th month.

He died 257 days after his birthday.
257, 55th prime
Barker = 55
*Satan = 55
*God = 55

He also died on his 258th day of his age.
Number of the Beast 258 / 174 / 87 / 66
The Price Is Right = 174 / 87

His last episode was June 6, or 6/6.

He was 83 then, and now is dead in ’23 (83 is the 23rd prime number)

Drew Carey is also in his 66th year of life.

And his publicist from ’87 tells us the story.

231, 21st triangular number *Saturn = 21
21 is the 6th triangular number *Saturn is the 6th planet

He is dead on a Saturday.
The Price Is Right = 93
Saturn = 93

Saturn is associated with satan which is associated with the beast.

Saturn, Satan, Snake, S, like $.

There are 72 demons in the Goetia. The Price Is Right began in ’72.
Jesuit Order = 72

The other 258 thing is this.
Order of Illuminati = 258 & 93
The Price Is Right = 93

The Illuminati was founded on 99 date numerology and helped name the U.S. on September 9, 1776.
5/1/776 = 5+1+17+76 = 99
The United States of America = 99

The US was named on the day leaving 113 days in the year.
United States = 113

Today is 113 days before the Pope’s 87th birthday.
The Catholic Church = 87
The Price Is Right = 87

Today is also 81 days after the anniversary of Bob Barker’s last episode.
Mark of the Beast = 81
Ritual = 81 & 81

And notice where the show was filmed, Studio 33.

The masons cherish the quote, all is number.

Order = 33
Secrecy = 33
Masonry = 33
*Glendale = 33
*Robert = 33
*Cleveland = 33 (Think of Drew Carey)

Today is the 64th day of modern Freemasonry’s age.

Think of the chessboard, and think of Masonic floors.

Furthermore, he is dead 95 days after Drew Carey’s birthday.

Drew Allison Carey = 248 (big number with Trump who just who won in Cleveland in 2016)

Six Hundred Sixty Six = 95
The Jesuits and the 95 Theses
*President Donald Trump = 95

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