Bray Wyatt dead at 36 on Vince McMahon’s 78th birthday, August 24, 2023

Bray Wyatt is dead on Vince McMahon’s 78th birthday, August 24, 2023.
Windham Rotunda = 78 (Bray’s birth name)
Scottish Rite = 78
Jesuit = 78

And as for Bray Wyatt being dead at 36. *Bray Wyatt = 36 *IHS = 36
The Jesuit Order’s logo is ‘IHS’ in front of a sun
Jesuit = 78 (Vince’s age)
IHS = 36 (Bray’s age)
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54
*Bray Wyatt = 36 & 54
*Triple H is 54 (he announced)

Heart Attack = 36 (Cause of death), Windham = 36 & 36 (His birth name)

Notince how Windham is 36 forwards and backwards.

He is dead 93 days after his birthday.
The sun is 93 million miles away on average.
Sun = 54
Bray Wyatt = 54
Mark of the Beast = 54 (666, the 36th tri. number)

It is also Kobe Bryant Day.
Kobe Bean Bryant = 54

He died 201 days from the anniversary of his career start, February 5, 2009.
Triclavianism = 201 (The three nails)
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
Heliocentrism = 201

And recall, Kobe’s death was connected to the WWE. I bring it up because today is Kobe Bryant Day, and he was born in ’78.
This date also goes with ‘human sacrifice.’ First, 24/8, like 248.

And, August 24 through December 31 are the last 130 days of the year.

Again, it’s Kobe Bryant Day. RIP.
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They’re saying he died of a ‘heart attack.’
“Heart Attack” = 36
“Windham” = 36/36
He died 147-days before his father’s 66th birthday.
“Freemason” = 147
“Windham Rotunda” = 66
*His father was former professional wrestler Mike Rotunda, better known as “IRS” or “Irwin R. Schyster.”
He also died 91-days after his brother, Bo ‘Dallas”s 33rd birthday.
91, the 13th triangular number
41, the 13th prime
“L.A.” = 13/41
“Kobe” = 41/113
“Dallas” = 41/113
*Wrestlemania 39 began on 4/1.
He died 144-days after the night of Wrestlemania 39.
“Jesuit Order” = 144
“United States of America” = 144
Or a span of 145-days.
“The Fiend” = 145(one of his wrestling gimmicks)
“Catholic” = 145