Bray Wyatt dead at 36 on Vince McMahon’s 78th birthday, August 24, 2023

Celebrity Death Murder by Numbers News

Bray Wyatt is dead on Vince McMahon’s 78th birthday, August 24, 2023.
Windham Rotunda = 78 (Bray’s birth name)
Scottish Rite = 78
Jesuit = 78

And as for Bray Wyatt being dead at 36. *Bray Wyatt = 36 *IHS = 36

The Jesuit Order’s logo is ‘IHS’ in front of a sun
Jesuit = 78 (Vince’s age)
IHS = 36 (Bray’s age)
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54
*Bray Wyatt = 36 & 54
*Triple H is 54 (he announced)

Heart Attack = 36 (Cause of death), Windham = 36 & 36 (His birth name)

Notince how Windham is 36 forwards and backwards.

He is dead 93 days after his birthday.
The sun is 93 million miles away on average.
Sun = 54
Bray Wyatt = 54
Mark of the Beast = 54 (666, the 36th tri. number)

It is also Kobe Bryant Day.
Kobe Bean Bryant = 54

He died 201 days from the anniversary of his career start, February 5, 2009.
Triclavianism = 201 (The three nails)
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
Heliocentrism = 201

And recall, Kobe’s death was connected to the WWE. I bring it up because today is Kobe Bryant Day, and he was born in ’78.

This date also goes with ‘human sacrifice.’ First, 24/8, like 248.

And, August 24 through December 31 are the last 130 days of the year.

Again, it’s Kobe Bryant Day. RIP.


  1. GregRamsey74 on August 24, 2023 at 6:20 pm

    They’re saying he died of a ‘heart attack.’
    “Heart Attack” = 36
    “Windham” = 36/36

    He died 147-days before his father’s 66th birthday.
    “Freemason” = 147
    “Windham Rotunda” = 66
    *His father was former professional wrestler Mike Rotunda, better known as “IRS” or “Irwin R. Schyster.”

    He also died 91-days after his brother, Bo ‘Dallas”s 33rd birthday.
    91, the 13th triangular number
    41, the 13th prime
    “L.A.” = 13/41
    “Kobe” = 41/113
    “Dallas” = 41/113
    *Wrestlemania 39 began on 4/1.

    He died 144-days after the night of Wrestlemania 39.
    “Jesuit Order” = 144
    “United States of America” = 144

    Or a span of 145-days.
    “The Fiend” = 145(one of his wrestling gimmicks)
    “Catholic” = 145

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