Britney Spears releases new song with Elton John, Hold Me Closer, August 26, 2022

Celebrity Entertainment News Secret Societies

Britney Jean Spears = 201 / 258
Order of Illuminati = 201 / 258
Hold Me Closer = 129
129 is 201 in base 8 counting

This release comes on a 56 date numerology.
Light = 56 / 201 (201 in Hebrew)
8/26/22 = 8+26+22 = 56

This news comes on a date with 76 numerology as well.
Illuminati in 1776
8/26/2022 = 8+26+20+22 = 76

Today leaves 127 days in the year.
Bavarian Illuminati = 127

And its in the name of money.
Eye of Providence = 238 (238th day of the year)


  1. Richard on August 26, 2022 at 4:14 pm

    This news also comes 22-weeks exactly after Elton John’s birthday (born March 25th), in the year ’22.

    For the Illuminati connection, this also comes 5-months and 1-day after his birthday, reminds how the Illuminati was founded on May 1st, or 5/1, by the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt.

    Adam Weishaupt = 51
    Conspiracy = 51
    Tin Foil Hat = 51
    Rome = 51 (All roads lead to Rome)
    -Weishaupt = 41
    -Elton John = 41 (41, 13th prime)
    -Illuminati with the 13 families

    As if it couldn’t get anymore Illuminati, get this, this news comes a total span of 99-days before her upcoming birthday.
    Thirteen = 99 (13-families, 13-year conservatorship)
    5/1/1776 = 5+1+17+76 = 99 (The Illuminati establishment date)

    Not to mention, Adam Weishaupt was born February 6th or 2/6, like 26, reminds how this news comes on the 26th day of the month. And for the 201 piece, this news comes 201-days after his birthday.

    Britney Jean Spears = 201 / 258
    Order of Illuminati = 201 / 258
    –Hold Me Closer = 129
    –129 is 201 in base 8 counting
    *As pointed out above

  2. GregRamsey74 on August 26, 2022 at 6:06 pm

    “Britney Spears and Elton John” = 201 (Reverse Full Reduction EP)

    “Britney Spears and Elton John” = 120 (Jewish Reduction)
    “Six Years” = 120 (English Ordinal)(her first release in six years)
    “Illuminati” = 120 (English Ordinal)

    8/26/2022 = 8+26+2+0+2+2 = 40(Britney is currently 40)
    “Elton John” = 40 (Reverse Full Reduction)
    “Elton John” = 40 (Jewish Reduction)

    Elton John’s birthday comes 113-days after that of Britney Spears.
    “Elton John” = 113 (English Ordinal)
    “Elton John” = 113 (ALW Kabbalah)
    “Tiny Dancer” = 113 (English Ordinal)

    Elton John’s birthday also comes on the 114th day of Britney Spears age.
    “Britney Spears and Elton John” = 114 (Full Reduction)
    “Make Me” = 114 (Reverse Ordinal)
    -One of Britney’s last songs before this.

    “Hold Me Closer” = 122 (Jewish Ordinal)
    -Britney’s birthday is 12/2

    “Duet Song” = 666 (Reverse English Sumerian)
    -Britney’s birthday comes 87-days after Elton’s
    -“Number of the Beast” = 87 (Reverse Full Reduction)
    -Her last release, “Make Me,” was in 2016(216 = 6X6X6)
    “Make Me” = 258 (Satanic)
    “Number of the Beast” = 258 (Reverse Ordinal)

    “Duet Song” = 105 (English Ordinal)
    “Order of Illuminati” = 105 (Reverse Full Reduction)

    This song released 51-years after Elton John’s “Tiny Dancer.”
    -This is her first release in six years.
    -“Six Years” = 51 (Reverse Full Reduction)

    Elton John was 69 the last time Britney released a song.
    “Elton” = 69 (Reverse Ordinal)
    “Illuminati” = 69 (Reverse Full Reduction)
    “The Jesuit Order” = 69 (Full Reduction)

    “Illuminati is Real” = 76 (Full Reduction)
    “Illuminati is Real” = 76 (Jewish Reduction)

    This comes while Elton John is 27, 548-days old.
    2+7+5+4+8 = 26(news on the 26th)

  3. GregRamsey74 on August 26, 2022 at 6:08 pm

    Correction, Britney’s birthday comes 8-months and 7-days after Elton’s.

    • Richard on August 26, 2022 at 7:57 pm

      Great decode brother. Check mine above as well.

      • GregRamsey74 on August 27, 2022 at 3:38 pm

        Thanks. I read yours and was inspired to do some of my own. Great job man! And a shout out to you Zach for all that you do as well!

  4. GEMATRIACANTSAVE on August 26, 2022 at 9:05 pm

    3:22 time stamp on song

    The same Britney that posted image on the Ignatius church in Rome.

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