Bru Ko’s latest video on Simpsons paying tribute to Skull & Bones
Checkout Bru Ko’s latest video:
The latest episode’s title, ‘Sorry Not Sorry’, equates to 76, like ‘Skull and Bones. Keep in mind George W. Bush was born on 7/6, July 6. Furthermore, his father was born June 12, the date that is similar to December 6, because they can both be expressed as 12/6, or 6/12.
The other episode is from April 2, 2017, a date with 43 numerology.
4/2/2017 = 4+2+20+17 = 43 *Yale = 25+1+12+5 = 43
The Caper Chase = 112 / 239 *Sorry Not Sorry = 112 / 239 (52nd prime)