California hits walk-off home run to win Little League World Series, Sunday, August 27, 2023

Louis Lappe = 126 / 45 / 144 / 54

Could it be the organic side?

August 27 is the 239th day of the year, the 52nd prime.
California = 52

California won 6-5
California = 65

The star child is named perfectly for baseball.
Louis Lappe = 54
Baseball = 54
Louis Lappe = 54 & 144
Jesuit Order = 54 & 144
Sun = 54 (Today is Sunday)
Time = 144 (1,440 minutes in a day, 144, square root 12 — 12 & time)

Lots of stars wear #12. He is age 12.
Louis Lappe = 144 (Square root of 12)

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