Canada sanctions 34 Crypto Wallets tied to Freedom Convoy, February 16, 2022 news

Crypto Wallets = 54 / 72 *Jesuit Order = 54 / 72
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero and Cardano
34 crypto wallets? Freedom Convoy?
Free = 34 (6+18+5+5 = 34)
And this comes in the 34th year since the Emergencies Act was passed in 1988.
Crypto = 34
Control = 34
Canadiens = 34

This news came 3-days after Matt Stafford became the 34th QB to win a Super Bowl, at age 34, with his coach at this side, Sean McVay, whose fiancee is from Ukraine… and after a bunch of suicides reported in the news, which have continued to rack up since.
Freedom Convoy = 56
Coronavirus = 56
Covid Vaccine = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
-Crackdown on Trudeau’s 56th day of his age

Free = 34 (6+18+5+5 = 34)
–Freemasonry = 139
-139, 34th prime number
–One = 34 (15+14+5 = 34)
-These rituals are part of the process in the formation of the ONE World Government
Again, these people are numerologists and 22 is the ‘master’ builder number.
Here we are in ’22.

And we know the ‘Society of Jesus’ runs the show.
139, 34th prime
34, 9th Fibonacci Number
Jesus = 34 (Returns in 22 chapters of Revelation — 2022…)
Yahweh = 34
Hebrew = 34
Jewish = 34
Canaan = 34
Cross = 34
Ankh = 34 (Egyptian cross) (Symbolic of life)
Church = 34
Beast = 34
Occult = 34
Crypto = 34
Google = 34 (Big tech and Google, Jesuit controlled)
Twitter = 34
Ukraine = 34
Pentagon = 34
*Biden = 34 (President at time)
*Prince = 34 (Soon to be King Charles)
*Suicide = 34
Among the many suicides are a Stanford football player, and ‘zombie’ from The Walking Dead.
Stanford = 34
Zombie = 34
We’ll see what happens in April. *April 19, date to remember
April = 34
Black = 34
Also, keep your eyes on Memphis.
Memphis = 34
Rapper = 34
-Lots of Memphis rappers being killed

Keep in mind headlines like these are also circulating.
And here are a few more 34 observations.

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People were pointing out in the chat that it’s Canadians, not Canadiens.
Although, Canadians=66 on 66th doty