Casey Benjamin, dead at 45, March 31, 2024

A jazz musician is dead at 45? *Jazz=45 *Ritual=45

He died on March 31, or 3/31, like 331, the 67th prime.
Blood Sacrifice=67 *Human Sacrifice=67 *Satanic=67 *Soul=67
He died 173 days after his birthday (40th prime). *Black Radio=40
He also died on his 174th day of his age. *Number of the Beast=174
He died 6 days before Robert Glasper’s 46th birthday. *Sacrifice=46
Notice Black Radio released on the 59th day of the year, February 28, 2012.
Slave=59 *Negro=50 *Rasta=59 *Blues=59
He is dead in the 631st week since it’s release (115th prime) *Killing=115 & 115