Diondre Overton, Clemson Tiger former player, killed on September 7, 2024

Diondre Overton is dead on September 7, or 9/7, or 7/9 (Death=97, Murder=79).

His name also equates to 79 (Diondre Overton=79).

It goes with his high school (Page High School=79, Page=79).

Recall, Mac Miller died on this date at age 26 in 2018, born Malcolm James McCormick.

He is dead on the day on the day leaving 115 days in the year (Killing=115).

This news breaks before Clemson plays Appalachian State in Week 2 of the College Football season.
He has died 141 days after his birthday (Thirty-Three=141, Tigers=33).
Notice he has 170 wins and 44 losses (Sacrifice=170, Kill=44, Shooting=44).
He has died on the 293rd day of Dabo Swinney’s age (62nd prime, Sacrifice=62).

And again, Swinney is on 44 losses, going with the ‘shooting.’

Today also has 60 date numerology (Clemson Tigers=60, 9+7+20+24=60).

Casualties reported at Apalachee High School in Winder, GA on September 4, 2024 (in clear tribute to the ’94 Assault Weapons Ban)

CNN just reported “four dead” in the fourth state, Georgia (Georgia=44).
The prior number was “two dead” and “thirty injured.”
We are days away from the 30th anniversary of the Assault Weapons Ban.

A ‘shooting’ in ‘Georgia,’ on a ‘Wednesday?’ It’s news by the numbers, no doubt about it.

Keep in mind today has 37 date numerology (9+4+24=37).
This also happened in the town of Winder.

Today is also 307 days after the Governor’s birthday, Brian Kemp, while Modern Freemasonry is 307 years old (established June 24, 1717)(Freemason=307).

It is 67 months since he took office *Blood Sacrifice=67 *Human Sacrifice=67

You could also say it exactly 44 weeks into his age (Georgia=44 & 37 *Shooting=44 & 37).
The town of Winder is on the 33rd Parallel North (also the 83rd Meridian West).
-Remember, Murder by Numbers, released by The Police, in 1983 (Murder=83)

Brian Kemp is the 83rd Governor of the state.
The address of the school is 940, and today is September 4, or 9/4
Recall that the assault weapons ban was led by Joe Biden in 1994, with an emphasis on ’94. And it was passed in the month of September. We are 9 days from the 30th anniversary.

The date of the Gun Control act was September 13, or 13/9, like 139.
Today can also be written 4/9, like 49, going with ‘gun control.’

Freemasonry=139 *America=139 & 49
-49 is the 33rd composite number
–Scottish=49 (highest degree is 33)
Now they’re reported 4 dead, 9 injured (like 49).

Apalachee High School=156 *911 is the 156th prime
Apalachee High School=93 *Propaganda=93 *Order of Illuminati=93
-Saturn=93 (has a 30 year cycle — and we are days from 30th anniversary of ’94 ban)
Apalachee High School=87 (the Pope is 87)
Notice the Sheriff in charge is ‘Jud Smith’ (Jud Smith=49).

Also, today is the 263rd day of the Pope’s age (56th prime — Society of Jesus=56, Pope=56).
–Apalachee=52 *Pope=52
–Apalachee=191 *Society of Jesus=191 *Active Shooter=191
Today is 9/4 *Roman Catholic Church=94.
It is also the 266th day since the anniversary of Sandy Hook, going with Pope Francis being the 266th Pope (Iesus Hominum Salvator=266).
Keep in mind the country is 248 years old, so is the Illuminati, and today is the 248th day of the year. It is also the day leaving 118 days in the year (Death=118, Homicide=118).
–Winder, Georgia=135
–Central Intelligence Agency=135
You could also say today is the first of the last 119 days of the year (Fraternal Order of Police=119).

The show you the circle, the first thing you draw when casting a spell….
-Circle=50 *America=50 *Washington=50 *Gun Control=50
Today is 77 days before Biden’s birthday.
Police Department=77
Police Officer=77
United States=77
Secret Society=77
Barrow=77 (Barrow County)
*DC on 77th Meridian.
Joe Biden also has the 37 & 44 connection.

Today is exactly 189 weeks after he took office (Freemasonic=189). It is similar to the date September 18, or 18/9, the day the cornerstone was laid for Washington DC, and the day the CIA was created in 1947. Keep in mind September 18 will be 191 weeks after Joe Biden took office (Active Shooter=191, Society of Jesus=191, *Apalachee=191 & 47).
Last, today is also 62 days before the November 5 election, and this is political.

Fox News blames liberal policies for the Sandy Hook school shooting after JT Lewis’ post on X, August 28-29, 2024, news

Sickening=152 *Kamala Devi Harris=152

His post came on 26 date numerology (JT Lewis=26, 26 dead at Sandy Hook shooting).
Recall, the shooting was on December 14, or 12+14=26.

His brother’s name has standout Gematria as well (Jesse Lewis=144, Jesuit Order=144).
At least 30 killed after Israeli strike on school, Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturn is connected to death & judgement, historically
Bible=30 (Jesus ministry begins at age 30)

Today is exactly 42 weeks after the war began on October 7 (War=42, World War=42).
42 is a very important number (Zionism=42, Jesuit=42, Freemason=42, *New Testament=42).
The New Testament begins with the 42 generations to Jesus and near its end it discusses the synagogue of Satan, in a letter to the Church of Philadelphia.

Today has 78 date numerology (Jesuit=78, Order Out of Chaos=78, *Scottish Rite=78).
Today can be written 27/7 (277, 59th prime *Revelation=59).
With regards to Revelation, it is the 73rd book of Catholic Bibles, and it is based on the 46 books in the Catholic Old Testament (Catholic=46 & 71). Recall, the war in Israel began on Putin’s 71st birthdays, 71 days before the Pope’s December 17 birthday (The Society of Jesus=71 & 224).

Barrett says Thomas’s laser-like-focus on history misses the point, Juneteenth, June 19, 2024

Justice Amy Coney Barrett=322 (Order 322)
This comes on Junenteeth (connected to the freeing of the slaves).
Amy Coney Barrett is a Catholic, the Church that perpetrated the American Civil War (per Abrahamic Lincoln, not me).
And here, we have the Catholic, Amy Coney Barrett, who went to Notre Dame & who replaced the Jew, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, 187 days after her Ides of March birthday.
Laser Like Focus=87 *Ignatius of Loyola=87 *Justice=87
Sadly, we explained why Ruth would die at 87 before the obvious ritual happened.

Remember, the Jesuit suppression lasted 41 years, and the USA was formed in that time.

Today is the 144th day of Amy Coney Barrett’s age.

She went to a Catholic high school in New Orleans, where the Super Bowl is this year.

And remember, the Jesuit suppression ended 144 days after James Madison’s birthday, the sitting President of the USA at the time.

And back on the subject of Clarence Thomas and Super Bowl 59 upcoming in New Orleans…

Again, 59 is a number having a lot to do with Black History.
Again, Black History Month ends on the 59th day of the year and was recognized by the Federal Government in ’76, going with Thomas turning 76 on June 23, in four days.
Slave=59 & 76
–Renegade=59 (Obama’s Secret Service name)
-Barack Obama=76
–A Promised Land=59 & 76 (Obama’s book)
–Ephesian 6:5-9 & Acts 7:6
-Read them
-And then remember how they did OJ at 76
-And remember how the did OJ at 59
-And remember how OJ was announced dead as the Masters teed off
Today is 235 days before Super Bowl 59 in New Orleans, Barrett’s hometown.
The Society of Jesus=235
–Pope Francis=59
-He is the first Jesuit Pope

FYI, Thomas was born on what is typically the 174th day of the year, June 23.

June 23 also leaves 191 days in the year. *Society of Jesus=197 & 187
Recall, Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on Rosh Hashanah, 187 days after her Ides of March birthday.

Holy Roman Empire=187
Washington DC=187
George Washingtonn=187
Brotherhood of Dead=187 (Order 322)
Society of Jesus=187
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry=187
Today begins the 191st week since Amy Coney Barrett joined the court.

Ruth was 87, and the Pope is 87 right now. *Justice=87 *Ignatius of Loyola=87
And again, that is the headlineup top.

Notice also that Clarence Thomas went to Yale, as well as Holy Cross. In light of the Yale connection, the school turned 322 years old on October 9, 2023. Notice Amy’s 322 connection.

Notice where Skull and Bones, Order 322, fits in with Juneteenth.

Clarence Thomas was put on the Supreme Court by #41, George H.W. Bush, a Skull and Bones member.

*Today is 254 days after Yale’s birthday *Saturn, the keeper of time=254
Saturn is related to Judgement (Clarence Thomas is a Judge)
Thomas is on his last days of being 75, and he was married in ’87.
Ignatius of Loyola=75 & 87
–The S.J. is 75 right now
–The first Jesuit Pope is 87
Arturo Sosa S.J., alumni of College of San Ignacio (Manilla)

Arturo Sosa went to the Jesuit University in the Phillipines, in Manila. It is the College of San Ignacio.

Recall the June 1, 2017, mass shooting in Manila, right before the first death anniversary of Muhammad Ali, which happened in Phoenix, Arizona, on June 3, 2016.

That shooting came 231 days after Arturo Sosa became Superior General on October 14, 2016.
Ignatius of Loyola=231

Remember, ‘Ignatius of Loyola’ has never been more relevant.

The Superior General is 75.
Gaza is 75.
Israel just transitioned from 75 to 76.
Roman Catholic=75
Catholic Church=75
New World Order=75
Order Out of Chaos=75
The Pope is 87, and he is the first Jesuit Pope.
The Catholic Church=87
And Pope Francis is the first Pope to live in Suite 201.
The Jesuit Order=201
Order of Illuminati=201
Order of Assassins=201
Jorge Mario Bergoglio=201 (Pope Francis)
For one last point, it is ‘Manilla’ and the Jesuits operating in 112 countries.
*Also noteworthy, Muhammad Ali died 19 weeks before Arturo Sosa became the Superior General, going with his 19 mile funeral procession.
Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal=96
Muhammad Ali=96
Jaylin R. Smith (black woman) receives national news attention for confrontation with a pack of seemingly white racist University of Mississippi students

These stories are cooked up with the right cast of characters so that they they will lure people into taking sides and becoming emotionally invested in the story.
That said, notice the familiar encoding of the obese black woman.

Recall what they just did to OJ, at age 76, 59 days after the Super Bowl.

Congress passes new antisemitism bill, May 1, 2024, the Illuminati’s birthday

Notice that this bill passed on the Illuminati’s 248th birthday, May 1, 2024. It is a reminder that Adam Weishaupt, the Illuminati’s founder, was Jewish, and also a Jesuit.
In this case, the 320 votes for the the antisemitism bill pays tribute to the Catholic connection (Jesuit) for Adam Weishaupt.
Roman Catholic Church=320
This vote also came 193 days after Netanyahu’s birthday.
Roman Catholic Church=193

33,000 Palestinians have been killed? They had to get it in there.
Federal=33, Order=33, Secrecy=33, Masonry=33
As for the Jew, Jerry Nadler, opposing the bill, notice his birthday is the day leaving 201 days in the year, June 13. *State of Israel=201 *The Jesuit Order=201
Columbia cancels commencement ceremony after weeks of protest, Monday, May 6, 2024

After the numerous 56 rituals with Columbia this year, the latest being the raid on Hamilton Hall, 56 years to the day of the April 30, 1968 raid, this news comes on May 6, or 5/6, written similar to 56.
Read about Shirley Chisholm making it to Congress 56 years ago here.
Read about Ilhan Omar’s daughter’s arrest 56 days after her birthday at Columbia here.
Read about Obama, the winner of the 56th election, and the protest here.
Read about Hamilton Hall’s April 30, 2024 raid here.
Today is 212 days after the war began, and Columbia is in the (212) area code.
For one last point, the numbers 201 & 95 tie in with this ritual.
Commencement Ceremony=95
Politicians discuss Columbia & other university protests, Sunday, May 5, 2024

This has been CNN’s top story for Saturday, May 4, and Sunday, May 5, the 211th and 212th days of the war in Israel & Gaza. Columbia is the (212) area code, the epicenter of these college stories.

Today Politicians are reflecting on the Columbia protests.
Notice the top subheadline about the SNL jokes about the Columbia protests (above).
Keenan Thompson has that ‘Scottish Rite’ connection, going with the 113.
Scottish Rite=165 & 57
And how about that 1:13 story (above)?
Columbia University=113
Recall the media attention on the protest began on April 22, the 113th day of the year, 113 days from the head of the school’s upcoming birthday.

Notice the encoding of ‘balancing act.’

The Pope is 87. *Ignatius of Loyola=87 *The Catholic Church=87
The Superior General is 75, so is Israel. *Ignatius of Loyola=75 *New World Order=75 *Order=75
42 and 237 are mathematically connected (2x3x7=42). *Zionism=42 *Jesuit=42 *Freemason=42
CNN has had this up as their front page story since May 4, or 5/4.
Jesuit Order=54 *Sun=54 (today is Sunday)
Remember, they reported Osama bin Laden dead on the 54th day of his being 54 years old.
The original definition of terrorism is government by intimidation, and that is what was on display for certain protesters at United States universities in recent weeks.
University=54 *School=72
–Jesuit Order=54 & 72
Today has 54 date numerology. *5/5/2024=5+5+20+24=54
Schools with 45 or more arrests? Not 50?

They were arrested for being “anti-Israel.”

As we know, 45 is a high ritual number, and #45 is helping divide the country right now, as usual.
Ritual=45 *Holy Bible=45 & 45 (they’re dividing the nation with religion)

Remember the “Trump-Pence” ticket, like “Trumpets,” the warnings in Revelation of the Holy Bible.

Never forget the big 666-ritual on March 11, 2020, with the “pandemic,” while Trump was #45?
And remember when Obama joked Trump would be #45 on April 30, 2011, the 45th birthday of the Church of Satan, 45 days before Donald Trump’s June 14 birthday?