75% of the United States under freezing conditions as Trump takes office and ICE Raids begin (what don’t you get yet?)

On Inauguration Day, it was reported that 75% of the United States was experiencing freezing conditions. For this reason, the inauguration was moved indoors. Keep in mind that January 20 is the 201st day of the nation’s age (Weather Control=201 & 75).

Remember that the first act of weather warfare was admitted to on the Jesuit Order’s birthday, August 15, 1952. And as I always point out how they bring the 201 & 150 together (Order of Illuminati=201, Illuminati=150).

Don’t they always report “four” dead? Again, four is associated with death in numerology.

And as the south is frozen over, along the border, the ICE Raids begin. Get it?

Also noteworthy is that Florida, Donald Trump’s favorite state, got a record 8.8″ of snow (Trump=88).

Melania Trump compared to the Hamburglar for the inauguratin of Donald Trump as No. 47

Notice how ‘Hamburglar’ equates to 47, going with the ritual for #47, Mr. McDonald’s, Donald Trump.

It is a reminder that Luigi Mangione, the supposed assassin, did his dirty work 47 days before Inauguration Day, outside the 47-story Midtown Hilton Hotel, where Trump was the night of the Inauguration in 2016. As we discussed then, the shooting was 101 days before the Ides of March.

And notice that the Hamburglar was born shortly after Melania Trump, in the month of March.

In light of Melania being 54 years old (Jesuit Order=54), her hat also reminds me of what Jesuit priests often wear, a Cappello romano, also known as a Saturno. The name Cappello romano syncs with the date numerology of the event as well (Cappello romano=66, 1+20+20+25=66). The alias, Saturno, goes with 2025 and Trump formerly being #45 (Saturno=45, 2025 has a square root of 45). The name Saturno also syncs with the President (Saturno=81, President Trump=81).
Trump fires Linda Fagan as Coast Guard commandant citing border failtures and DEI
The first “you’re fired” ritual is a 201 (Linda Fagan=201).

Coast Guard Commandant=207 (207 & 201 are the “Art of War” code — The Jesuit Order=201)
You’re Fired=144 & 54 *Jesuit Order=144 & 54
She held her post for exactly 138 weeks (Donald Trump=138, Federal=138).

Trump taps record 13 billionaires for his administration

This was the news on Pope Francis’s birthday. It’s a reminder the Illuminati was founded with 13 families, by a Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt, and that Illuminati is an Italian word.
Oligarchy is the word.

Plutocracy is the word.

Again, the root word of plutocracy is Pluto, and Pluto has a 248 year orbital cycle, going with the United States of America (and the Illuminati) being 248 years old.

Don’t forget in 2016, Hillary conceded while Trump was on 248 electoral college votes.

Elon Musk seemingly gives Nazi salute on inauguration day, January 20, 2025 (the Wernher von Braun tribute)

Notice the 47 list (it grows by the day).
Mein Kampf=47
Fascism=47 & 25
Trump=47 & 25
Read more about Trump and 47 here.

The official name of the Nazi salute is Sieg Heil.

Wernher von Braun died 47 years ago (he’s the Nazi who wrote about The Elon).

It goes with Mars having a 47 year orbital cycle.

It also goes with 2025 being the year of Mars.

This ritual happened on the 207th day of Elon Musk’s age.

Notice The Mars Project was published in English in ’53, and Elon Musk is age 53.
And don’t forget about this debacle from August of 2017.

Recall that the Nazi, Wernher von Braun, wrote the book Project Mars: A Technical Tale, where the leader of the mission to Mars is The Elon. Read more about that below.
For one more point, notice the overlap with ‘Project Mars’ and ‘Donald Trump.’
Keep in mind Musk’s ritual was 159 days before his 54th birthday (Jesuit Order=54).

“Men are from Mars.”
Of course, the Jesuit Order’s birthday is August 15, the day leaving 138 days in the year.
And of course, the Jesuits have quite the history with the Nazis.
The July Plot to kill Hitler was on July 20, 1944. July 20 is typically the 201st day of the year.

Project Paperclip, to bring Nazi scientists to America, began on July 20, 1945, the 201st day of the year.

Trump is 78-years-old
Elon Musk was declared the world’s richest man at age 78
I’m Dark MAGA=78
Recall that Adolfus Hitler is Adolf’s name on his birth certificate (201).
Elon Musk’s ritual comes on January 20, or 20/1, the 201st day of the nation’s age.

This ritual also came 218 days after the 47th anniversary of Wernher von Braun.

Keep in mind the Holy Roman Empire supposedly folded on the 218th day of the year, August 6, 1806, which was 218 years ago (Holy Roman Empire=218).

For one more point, notice that Elon Musk’s birthday, June 28, is pertinent to Nazi history, including the day that Hitler went to Paris, the home of the Jesuits.

78-year-old Donald Trump rescinds 78 Biden-era executive actions on January 20, 2025
78-year-old Donald Trump rescinded 78-Biden-era executive actions!
Recall that Joe Biden took office at age 78 as well (Jesuit=78, Scottish Rite=78).
Today is the 201st day of the nation’s age (The Jesuit Order=201).

Santa Ana winds expected to return to Los Angeles on January 20, 2025

The Santa Ana winds are expected to begin again on January 20, 2025, or 20/1, the 201st day of the nation’s age (Weather Control=201, The Jesuit Order=201, Order of Illuminati=201).
And here’s the 150 salute (Illuminati=150).

Notice also how they’re paying tribute to the “Maui blue” phenomenon.

And can you spy the 38 and 71 in the following story?

Joe Biden warns of oligarchy and tech-industrial complex in his farewell address, January 15, 2025

Biden’s farewell address came 56 days after his birthday (Washington DC=56, Society of Jesus=56).
It is a reminder he took office as VP with Obama after the 56th election (Black Lives Matter=56).
He also took office with a then 56-year-old Kamala Harris.
As for the word ‘oligarchy,’ it is perfect for #46 (Oligarchy=46, Catholic=46, *Elon=46).
As for the ‘tech industrial complex,’ it reminds us of Eisenhower’s Military Industrial Complex warning in 1961, just before JFK took office, who would be assassinated at age 46. The Gematria of the phrase is also of importance (tech-industrial complex=251, 54th prime — Jesuit Order=54).
Keep in mind that Elon Musk will turn 54 on June 28 of this year. Also, today is 201 days after Musk’s birthday (The Jesuit Order=201).

Eisenhower’s address was also 64 years ago, and today is 64 days after the Superior General’s birthday (Joe Biden=64, *Musk=64).
For one other point, he gave his address on 1/15 (Joe Biden=152, 152 is the 115th composite number).
Israel and Hamas agree to 42 day ceasefire, freeing 33 hostages, January 16, 2025

33 hostages on the 16th (Hostage=33, Sixteen=33)
This news comes on a Wednesday (Wednesday=44, Ceasefire=44, Israel=44, Zion=44).
The killing will stop for “42 days” (Hamas=42, Zionism=42, War=42, Jesuit=42, Freemason=42).

Today has 42 date numerology (1+16+25=42).
Today is 30 day after the Pope’s December 17, 2024 birthday.

Today is the 467th day of the war (467, 91st prime — The Society of Jesus=91).
SEC sues Elon Musk on the 201st day of his age over failing to disclose social media platform purchases, January 14, 2025

Today has 24 date numerology, and X is the 24th letter (1+14+2+0+2+5=24).
Recall when 24 people petitioned to have the X removed from Twitter.
Recall when Twitter rebranded as X on July 24, or 24/7, while the country and Illuminati were 247.
This news breaks on the 201st day of Elon Musk’s age, reminding us that his acquisition of Twitter was very Jesuit (The Jesuit Order=201, Order of Illuminati=201).
And notice the report that he underpaid by $150 million (Order of Illuminati=201, Illuminati=150).

Don’t forget this 201 ritual with Mr. Beast and X.
Notice where ‘SEC’ fits in with the 54 ritual.

Keep in mind Elon Musk will turn 54 later this year…