Catholic-educated Tim Dillon and CIA agent Alex Jones collaborate after Trump assassination attempt, July 15, 2024 (imagining the Civil War to come)

Catholic Church Celebrity Elections Federal Government Jesuit News Psychological Operation Secret Societies

These guys collabored July 15, 2024 (15/7) (Thomas Crooks=157). The shooting was July 13, 2024, 157 days before the Pope’s 88th birthday, December 17, 2024 (Trump=88). Keep in mind 157 is the 37th prime (Shooting=37), and the 37th President, Richard Nixon, said I’m not a crook.

Nassau Community College=87 (Tim Dillon’s school) (The Pope is 87)
Right place, right time? Your numbers up?
This happened while the town is in its 107th year of existence (JFK would be age 107) *Saturday=107 & 109
This happened on 44 date numerology (7+13+24=44) (JFK was the 44th term President
109 is the 29th prime & the shooting happened 29 days after Trump’s June 14 birthday *Trump=29 *Bullseye=29
157, the 37th prime number (with 157 all over it) *And then Kobe’s dad died, and Kobe died in a big ritual with the same numbers
Tim Dillon was born on 1/22, in ’85 *Iesus Hominum Salvator=85 & 122 *Pope Francis=122

Also, the collaboration was 175 days after Tim Dillon’s birthday (Pope Francis=175).

Revelation 17:5 connects to the whore of Babylon (Revelation 17:5).

Dillon is from Hicksville, NY.

Recall when the Celtics fell to 17-5 in Finals vs. the Warriors, synced with the Pope (Golden State=175).

December 10 (or Dec. 9 in leap years) is the 344th day of the year
Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth=344

The Sanhedrin’s 71st member (look it up — they’re a boss).

And go back and look, Tim Dillon’s birthday is January 22, or 1/22 (like 122).

Illumination=175 (The Alumbrados, Ignatius of Loyola, the Jesuits & the Illuminati)
Hicksville, NY=59 & 175 (Tim Dillon’s hometown)

Pope Francis became a Jesuit in 1958 (he was the first Jesuit Pope).
Pope Benedict stepped down on the 59th day of the year for Francis, February 28, 2013.
The 59th US Pres. election came 46 weeks after the Pope’s birthday and gave us #46 (Catholic=46).
Pope Francis is named after St. Francis of Assisi, like San Francisco (San Francisco=122).
San Francisco is also on the 122nd Meridian West.
Iesus Hominum Salvator=122 & 266
-It is the Jesuit motto
-Pope Francis is the 266th Pope, the first Jesuit

Also, about Babylon and the Bible. Recall, the connection with the Tower of Babel, and 9/11.

Genesis 11:9, like the 11th of September (9th month), is where God divides the people of the world over

Alex Jones got famous after copying Bill Cooper’s September 11 prediction, and Bill Cooper was killed not long after, November 5, 2001, Guy Fawkes Day (the day the Jesuits tried to blow up British parliament).

Read more about the Jesuits, the Catholic Church, and Mystery Babylon here.


Around the 11-minute 30-second mark of the video (linked at the bottom), there is a question posed and an answer given about how division can be created through race-based terrorist attacks in the United States. In light of this question and answer, I want you to revisit the George Floyd riots and the significance of the number 225, as well as the upcoming year 2025, and also, Amazon’s movie, Lockdown 2025.

Tim Dillon became very popular a few years back, especially in 2021. I know because my comments were full of his name for the first time ever in that year (2021) (and I’ve been doing this since 2013).

The New York native is 39 at this time (NY, 39 Land)

7/15/24=7+15+24=46 (JFK, killed at age 46, Joe Biden, #46)
Dallas, Texas=118 *Death=118 *Homicide=118
-We just had big tribute to 46 & 118 in the NBA Finals (Boston & Dallas, or hello JFK)
-And don’t forget Alex Jones is in Texas
-And Elon Musk is going to Texas, and pledging $45 million a month to #45
-Elon Musk offered $54 per share on 14/4, the Lincoln shooting anniversary
Jesuit Order=144 & 54 *The United States of America=144 *Bavaria=54 & 135
Central Intelligence Agency=135
-Phillies got their 62nd win vs. A’s, the original Philly team, the day of the shooting (11-5 score)
Major League=108 *Dealey Plaza=108 *Geometry=108
Pennsylvania=152 *Joe Biden=152 (PA shooting) (PA baseball rituals..)

Notice that Tim Dillon went to Holy Trinity Diocesan High School.
Tim Dillon=54 *Jesuit Order=54 *Sun=54 *Bavaria=54
Tim Dillon=45 *IHS=45

Holy Trinity Diocesan High School=146 *Trump, born 14-6
The UFC headline fighter ‘Rose,’ from Milwaukee, became 14-6 night of shooting

Tim Dillon’s high school is in Hicksville, and the VP nominee wrote a book about hillbillies.

You’ll notice the video is 46 minutes and change.

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