CDC unleashes new wave of fear with Marburg virus, Thursday, April 6, 2023

Notice that this news broke from the CDC on Thursday, April 6, the “35 & 46 day.”

And notice where ‘virus’ and ‘Ebola’ fit in.
Furthermore, here is Equatorial Guinea.

And here is Tanzania, in a completely difference place in Africa.

So why aren’t there cases between the two nations?
And for another familiar pattern, Marburg Virus was discovered in 1967, 56 years ago. Think aof all the “56” we saw recently with Coronavirus.

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Virus Outbreak = 56
The RNA virus = 56
Anthony Fauci = 56
April = 56
Breaking news = 56
WHO = 35 / 46
Catholic = 35 / 46
This came 26-days after the 3-year anniversary of the beginning of the pandemic.
“Virus” = 26
“COVID” = 26
“China” = 26
-This is also 3-weeks and 5-days.
“Deadly Marburg Virus” = 113
“Coronavirus Pandemic” = 113
This also came a span of 28-weeks from the 3-year anniversary of Event 201.
“COVID” = 28
My mistake. This came a span of 28-weeks from the 4-year anniversary of Event 201.
This came on the 111th day of Pope Francis’ age.
“Vaccination” = 111
This also came 191-days after the Jesuit’s birthday.
“Society of Jesus” = 191
“Shot” = 46(news on 4/6)
This came 205-days before Bill Gates’ birthday.
“All Seeing Eye” = 205