Charles Schwab stock falls 23%, Monday, March 13, 2023, before beginning recovery

Banking Markets & Stocks News

Charles Schwab, following a series of rough days, fell 23% today, March 13, 2023, before beginning to recover. Once again, 23 is a very significant to the market, and these recent bank collapses beginning on the 23 year anniversary of the .com bubble bursting.
Market = 23

Also, today is the 83rd day of winter.
83, 23rd prime
Collapse = 83

Today is Charles Schwab’s 228th day of his age, tomorrow, Pi Day, will be the 229th day of his age.
Charles Schwab = 229
229, 50th prime
Circle = 50

Tomorrow, March 14 is Pi Day.

The Ides of March, March 15, will also be 229 days after his birthday.

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