Chelsea Handler forced to cancel shows in ‘Horny & Vaccinated Tour,’ February 4, 2022
Chelsea Handler had to cancel her Friday, February 4, show in Eugene, Oregon, for her “Vaccinated and Horny” tour. Of course that date is written 4/2, like 42.
Vaccine = 30 / 42 / 57
Eugene = 30 / 57
The name of the tour and ‘Oregon’ fits in as well.
Vaccinated & Horny Tour = 92
Oregon = 38
Covid-19 = 92 / 38
Her name fits in with the face of the agenda.
Chelsea Joy Handler = 87
Bill Gates = 87
-Bill Gates supposedly vaccinated January 22, 2021, his 87th day of his age
And remember, this agenda has a lot to do with fertility… thus “vaccinated and horny…”
Fertility = 56
Coronavirus = 56
Covid Vaccine = 56
Her birthday is February 25, the 56th day of the year.
And notice her remark below about “not being pregnant.”
And think about it with your “They Live” glasses on.
In light of the pregnancy remark, read about the Netflix reupload of the shown Between during the time of the pandemic. Notice, Building 201 is a big focus.
The Jesuit Order = 201
Society of Jesus = 56
-Between = 74
-Jesus = 74
-Cross = 74
-Messiah = 74
-Gospel = 74
-Parables = 74
-*Oregon = 74
Event 201 was October 18, 2019, the day leaving 74-days in the year.