Christiaan Huygens, the man who estimated the sun was 93 million miles from earth & invented the Pendulum Clock (another 201)

Biblical Catholic Church History Jesuit Science

Notice he was born April 14, and died July 8.
Jesuit Order = 144 (14/4)
Jesuit = 78

He died on his 86th day of his age.
Jesuits = 86
-Blood Sacrifice = 86
-Human Sacrifice = 86


The sun 93 million miles away? Christiaan???
God’s Son = 93
Nazareth = 93
Crucifix = 93
*Christianity = 930
-930th chapter of Bible is where Christian section begins (Matthew 1:1)

Notice he was big with Saturn as well.
Saturn = 93

And notice the 201.

Heliocentrism = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201 / 84
The Holy Bible = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201 / 258
Jesuit = 84
Masonry = 84
Freemason = 96

Also, he invented the Pendulum clock in 1656, emphasis on ’56.
Pendulum Clock = 201

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