Christiana Mall shooting of Saturday, April 8, 2023

Catholic Church Jesuit Mass Shooting News Police State Religion Shooting

For Easter weekend, the “Christiana Mall” shooting.

And notice how Christiana overlaps with the date April 8, or 4/8, like 48.

And recall, only four of the fifty states have a 33 connection. Delaware is the first.

The 3 shot, 5 injured, pays tribute to the gang responsible.

Newark, Delaware = 84
The Jesuit Order = 84
The Catholic Church = 84
United States of America = 84
Jesuit = 84

Newark = 72
Jesuit Order = 72

The address is 132.
Catholic Church = 132
Roman Catholic = 132
United States of America = 132

And as we know, ‘Saturday’ is national shooting day.
Saturday = 107 & 109
Shooting = 107 & 109
Military = 107 & 109

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