Chuck D fires Flava Flav from Public Enemy over Bernie Sanders fundraiser fallout, March 1, 2020

Entertainment Jewish Related Politics Racism

Let us begin with some related hip-hop lyrics, courtesy of Ice Cube, from the song ‘No Vaseline’.

35-years?  The fallout is over Bernie Sanders.

Chuck D fired Flava Flav on March 1, 2020, the 61st day of the year in 2020.

Chuck D waited until March 1, or 3/1, to make this ritual by the numbers.

The fallout was posted on Twitter March 1, 2020 as well.

Notice, the show was February 28, the 59th day of the year, what is typically the last day of Black History Month, and the firing came 213-days after Chuck D’s 59th birthday.

In the case of Flava Flav, he was born in ’59, and this comes just days before his 61st birthday.  I won’t even mention the significance of him being 60-years-old.

Public Enemy also has a parallel to Bernie through Gematria.