Cleveland Browns mascot (S.J.) announced dead at age 5, Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The post from the Cleveland Browns came last week, July 2, 2024 *Jesuit Order=72
S.J., the name of the dog, is also the abbreviation for a Jesuit Priest.
It goes with July 2, 2024, which had 33 date numerology. *Cleveland=33 *Priest=33
Fox News is featuring this story a week later, Tuesday, July 9, the 191st day of the leap year.
Society of Jesus=191 & 79 (like 7/9 date)
–191, 43rd prime number
–Jesus Christ=43

For the record, ‘Swagger’ equates to ‘Browns.’ *Swagger=35 *Browns=35 *Football=35
Again, the football is the shape of the eye *Eye=35 (Genesis 3:5)
For one more, the dog died 68 days before the Browns open the season on September 8.
And here is a related story about the Browns mascot dog that died on February 7, the other 7/2 date.
Jesuit Order=72

February 7 is also the 38th day of the year. *Death=38 *Murder=38 *Killing=38 *RIP=38