Cleveland Browns mascot (S.J.) announced dead at age 5, Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Death Jesuit Murder by Numbers News Secret Societies Sports

The post from the Cleveland Browns came last week, July 2, 2024 *Jesuit Order=72

S.J., the name of the dog, is also the abbreviation for a Jesuit Priest.

It goes with July 2, 2024, which had 33 date numerology. *Cleveland=33 *Priest=33

Fox News is featuring this story a week later, Tuesday, July 9, the 191st day of the leap year.
Society of Jesus=191 & 79 (like 7/9 date)
191, 43rd prime number
Jesus Christ=43

For the record, ‘Swagger’ equates to ‘Browns.’ *Swagger=35 *Browns=35 *Football=35

Again, the football is the shape of the eye *Eye=35 (Genesis 3:5)

For one more, the dog died 68 days before the Browns open the season on September 8.

And here is a related story about the Browns mascot dog that died on February 7, the other 7/2 date.
Jesuit Order=72

February 7 is also the 38th day of the year. *Death=38 *Murder=38 *Killing=38 *RIP=38

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