CNN focuses on Plato’s burial place one day before the Illuminati’s 248th birthday (Pluto)

Astrology Federal Government History Outer Space Secret Societies

There’s something about Plato and Pluto and tomorrow, May 1, 2024…

Notice, a top story is about Plato, the day before the Illuminati turns 248 years old.

This is curious because Plato and Pluto are similar words, and Pluto has a 248 year orbital cycle.

Recall Trump, the Plutocrat, and his mugshot on August 24, or 24/8? If not, read about it here.
President Donald Trump=248

Keep in mind tomorrow, the Illuminati’s 248th birthday, is also 322 days after Donald Trump’s birthday, and the founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, died on the 322nd day of the year, November 18, 1830. And if you’re new to this, 322 is a number we will discuss often.

Trump is 77 years old *Secret Society=77 *United States=77 (Capital on 77th Meridian West)

Skull and Bones is modeled after the Illuminati. They are known as Order 322.
Skull and Bones=76, Donald John Trump, Illuminati since 1776 (’76)

Bavaria, Germany=88 *Trump=88
Illuminati=48 *Donald Trump=48

Again, the Illuminati is turning 248.

Today is typically the 120th day of the year. *Illuminati=120

Was 79 AD really the year, or has history been rewritten? *Society of Jesus=79 *Knights Templar=79

What about 86 B.C.? *Jesuits=86

The European Union=201 & 84
The Jesuit Order=201 & 84
Order of Illuminati=201

Don’t forget Adam Weishaupt died 201 days after May 1. The Holy Bible=201 (See Genesis 3:22)

Genesis 3:22 references the Tree of Life. *Jewish Mysticism=201

The founder of the Jesuits died 84 days from his birthday. *Ignatius of Loyola=201

Adam Weishaupt was raised by a Jesuit Priest.

And Plato, like Pluto, has something to do with Jesuit. *Pluto=84 *Jesuit=84

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