CNN | Nike executive Larry Miller killed another teen at age 16, but now 56-years later…

Catholic Church Corporate Jesuit Murder by Numbers News Sports

56-years later?
Society of Jesus = 56

This comes during the Chicago Bulls’ 56th season.

He’s 72?
Jesuit Order = 72

He was 16?
S.J. = 16

Of course Nike is a Jesuit owned and operated enterprise.
Nike = 21
Jesuit = 21
-Larry Miller = 73
-73, 21st prime

And it comes ‘three’ days after Jordan’s 59th birthday. *Three = 56
Michael Jordan = 59 / 76
-76th pro basketball season
-Philadelphia “76ers”

And you have to love how CNN posted this on the ‘kill’ date, February 20, 2022.
2/20/22 = 2+20+22 = 44
2/20/2022 = 2+20+20+22 = 64
Kill = 44 / 64

Notice he is Catholic educated.

Larry G. Miller = 69
The Jesuit Order = 69

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